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Thomas Farms Kitchen Review: Here’s What Our Readers Thought

Thomas Farms Kitchen Review: Here’s What Our Readers Thought

Last month we introduced you to Thomas Farms Kitchen when I trialled and reviewed their service for myself. If you missed it, you can see exactly what I thought of it here. If you are anything like me and absolutely dread the daily chore of having to decide what to cook for dinner, not to mention run back and fore the supermarket for this or that several times a week, Thomas Farms Kitchen is an absolute game-changer! All the hard work, (and time consuming bits) are all done for you. You just have to cook it! For me, knowing I could whip up delicious flavoursome meals without any preservatives or artificial preservatives in 30 minutes was the clincher.

Basically, by ordering through Thomas Farms Kitchen you get chef-created recipes and locally sourced fresh ingredients delivered to your door each week, making it easy to cook delicious, interesting meals at home without the hassle of shopping or throwing out unused food. No wonder it is getting rave reviews, right? And there is no lock in contract, so you can order as frequently as you like, just for special occasions or especially busy periods!

Those of you who do shop at farmers markets will know that there is nothing better than fresh produce straight from the farm. Thomas Farms Kitchen brings that produce to your door, all packaged up with everything you need to cook up a storm for your family!

Thomas Farms Kitchen gave 10 Mums Lounge readers the chance to put their service to the test and share their honest feedback with the rest of our community. Each reviewer visited the Thomas Farms Kitchen website and chose 2 x meal options for their family. (Don’t worry if you don’t see their meal choices there when you visit the website yourself. The menu changes each week so there is plenty of variety! (No spaghetti bolognese on high rotation in my house anymore! Ha!)

Not sure whether to read on? All of our reviewers said that they would recommend Thomas Farm Kitchen to their family and friends! That’s pretty impressive! Read on to find out why!


Reviewer: Leia, Redwood Park, SA

I was excited to try Thomas Farms Kitchen meals. Delivery made the whole process so easy. Everything was packaged and labeled clearly. My most favourite thing about the whole process was knowing that I had all the ingredients ready in the correct quantities ready to go. No last minute run to the shops.

tfk leia quote review 2

The meals we enjoyed were spicy lamb skewers and the scotch beef fillet.

Both meals were so quick to prepare, the instructions and recipe card was clear and easy to follow. The ingredients were so fresh and great quality cuts of meat with crispy veg and herbs.

 Thomas Farm Kitchen Leia review

The children devoured the spicy lamb skewers and quinoa. Despite quinoa being a new dish for them they happily tried and very much liked the whole dish. It was clean plates all round and a crowd favourite!

The scotch beef meal with chickpeas was a lovely dish. Flavours that we were all familiar with, tied together into a well-rounded meal.

We will definitely consider ordering from Thomas Farms Kitchen in the future!


Reviewer: Katie, Kew, VIC

I love getting parcels, and getting a box of fresh, ready to cook ingredients and recipes from Thomas Farms Kitchens made my week!  They delivered two family meals, clearly labeled and packaged, when they said they would, ready for us to get cooking! The extra bonus of course being that the meal planning AND the shopping is already done for you – even though I cooked, I felt as if I had two nights off!

Thomas farm Kitchens Katie 1

The kids loved getting into the box and digging out the ingredients.  I even had a helper in the kitchen, which normally only happens when I bake cookies!  The recipes were super-easy to follow and there was enough variety in each meal that if some of the ingredients didn’t suit everyone’s taste, there was enough other food to compensate – I have fussy eaters and it’s really important that there is choice.  It’s also a great opportunity to try new foods with the kids. It’s healthy and fresh, and you know what’s going into your food, as opposed to buying a ready meal in a box from a supermarket.

Katie quote TFK

Both meals (Salmon and mozzarella soft tacos / Spicy lamb skewers with nutritious Andean quinoa) were recipes I had never tried before, using ingredients I might not always stock in my pantry.

Thomas Farm kitchens Katie 2

My son asked me which take-away shop I had bought one meal from (high praise indeed!) and with the other meal asked if we could have it for an upcoming family birthday tea!  Overall, a hit with everyone!

2 SurveyMonkey_Analyze_-_Thomas_Farms_Kitchens_Feedback_Survey
How important is it to your family to buy local produce and support local farmers? As you can see, it ranked extremely high as a shopping preference with our reviewers!



Reviewer: Michelle, Ringwood, VIC

We are a hungry family of five. Two adults, and three kids. Our “kids” are aged 13, 11 and 16 months. We live in the burbs of Melbourne.

The older kids loved going to the TFK website to select our two meals to sample. The website was pretty easy to navigate. The photos were appealing (best not to look when hungry lol). The opinions were divided and in the end it went to a vote, there were plenty of options that were waiting to be sampled. We selected

  • Succulent Scotch Fillet w. Spicy Chickpea Mix
  • Penne w. Abruzzi Style Lamb Sauce

The meals are delivered once per week on a Tuesday. They come in a sealed box, packed with ice-packs. This means you don’t have to be at home for the delivery. We left instructions for the driver to leave the box at our front door.

Each meal came with its own recipe card. The Instructions were clear and easy to follow. The steak meal came with some paprika that wasn’t on the ingredient list or in the recipe. The family sized quantities came wrapped in single serves (e.g. the lamb mince for four, came in separate vacuum sealed bags). This added more time to the meal preparation than anticipated.

Both meals were full of fresh healthy ingredients, we were impressed with the quality of the produce. Serving size for both meals were generous, with the boys enjoying left over pasta the next day. The spice element was able to be tailored for those who love a bit of spice.

We did have to add some oven wedges to the steak to bulk up the meal for our growing boys.

In the end we enjoyed both the meals. The Steak was my favourite! Thanks TFK for the opportunity to review your service!


Reviewer: Phaedra, Mawson Lakes, SA

We loved the convenience of TFK, not having to meal plan or shop for 2 days this week was a bit of a luxury! The delivery was easy, and everything was well packaged and easy to find in the box. The recipe cards were well detailed, and so easy to follow even my kids could help without me needing to explain everything. The ingredients provided were fresh and delicious, even after a few days in the fridge for the second meal.

Thomas Farm Kitchens review Pheadra

We really enjoyed trying new foods that we wouldn’t have picked on our own – they weren’t all big hits with all 3 kids, but I’m glad we could try something new without ending up having a whole bag of food in the pantry that the kids refuse to eat!

Phaedra quote TFK review

I loved seeing the ideas on the cards, and honestly, it’s worth trying TFK just to get your family out of the ‘eating the same thing week in-week out’ rut.


Reviewer: Rebecca, Sellicks Beach, SA

The food delivered was very fresh, and serving sizes were good but we felt like we needed additional vegetables or salad with the lamb skewers. The meat was very tender and left us wanting more! We enjoyed trying new flavour combinations especially quinoa, something no one in our family had eaten before. It was quick and simple to follow, and the kids loved helping out.

The chicken curry was great, we did miss the bean shoots and the replacement didn’t work as well. It was too spicy for 2 of us, which left extra for dinner the following night. My daughter Hunter loved cooking it.

Someone couldn’t wait to get stuck into it!

Thank for the opportunity, we really enjoyed trying it out!

Thomas Farm Kitchen review Rebecca 2


Reviewer: Michelle, Altona Meadows, VIC

I love cooking but I absolutely dread the after school/work decision of what to make for dinner each night. Thomas Farms Kitchen took the stress out of our evenings by making the decision easy.

The dinners we had pre-selected were delivered, on time and were portioned in exact quantities. Each meal took under half an hour from start to finish and they were delicious. Everyone in the family really enjoyed them. The meals were healthy, fresh and quick. What more could we want!

Thomas farm kitchen Michelle mono


Reviewer: Tanya, Highbury, SA

Last week my family trialed the service offered by Thomas Farms Kitchen (TFK), and I must say that we were impressed! The freshness and the quality of the food was great, the recipes were easy to make, the meals were delicious, but best of all TFK took the guess work out of meal planning and preparation, saving me precious time.

The first dish that I cooked  was grilled chicken thighs with pumpkin and walnuts. We, including my 10 month old, all loved it because it was very flavoursome! Just as an aside I puréed the meal for my baby, which resulted in more than one baby serve. From start to finish, the meal took me approximately 40 minutes to prepare and serve up.

Thomas farm Kitchen Tanya

The second dish that we sampled was the succulent scotch fillet with spicy chickpea mix. I had planned on making my daughter’s meal in a separate fry pan without chilli, but there was no need, as unfortunately the chilli had not been supplied and I didn’t have any on hand at home. Nevertheless, the meal was a hit with the family. Although it wasn’t packing the chilli punch I had hoped for, it was delicious nonetheless and the meat truly was succulent.

Would I order from TFK again? Absolutely! There were no complaints from my family and they LOVED the meals.


Reviewer: Laura, Peakhurst, NSW

My family really enjoyed our TFK meals and the kids loved getting to help prepare and cook.

Both meals had flavours in them that they hadn’t tried before, and with the exception of the radishes, they gobbled up everything.

The step by step instructions were simple to follow, and the prep wasn’t too involved. It filled our house with new smells. My husband (who sometimes works from home) was even tempted into the kitchen to see what was being prepared.

Thomas Farm kitchen review laura

What was helpful was there was more than adequate amounts of ingredients, so I was able to either make more for leftovers or use the extra ingredients in something else on a different day.


Reviewer: Selina, Richlands, QLD

Thomas Farms Kitchens delivery was a exciting experience. Firstly I choose options that I was hoping the kids would enjoy as well as something new for the adults.

Our first choice was the Scotch Fillet with Chickpea salad. Never in a million years would I think of this, or even think of eating chickpeas. With the delivery it was all very easy, with the recipe card step by step it was all fuss free. The kids got in and helped, which yes made the process a little longer but was a good experience. Kids sat down to eat and were excited to see what they had made but the taste of the salad wasn’t something they enjoyed – the steak however was a HUGE hit.

selina TFK quote review

They are good generous serve sizes which were perfect for the adults, the meal for the adults was a HUGE hit! This was the combination of flavors was mouthwatering, even looking at the photo and thinking about the meal again makes me hungry.

We are excited to add this to our recipe base for the future.

TFK Selina 1

Our other option was the Penne meal was a hit, the flavors were a little different to what the kids have been used to but a nice change. Pasta is definitely a BIG hit in our family, the pasta with a splash of the sauce was all the kids needed. It was simple and easy preparation which helped for our busy life. With some leftover for lunches the next day . My suggestion for this delivery, when a family orders in bulk possibly to package larger, I understand some families may order 4 serves for 2 different nights, but larger families would use all in one serve. Maybe a tick box option could be available – save on packaging as well.


Reviewer: Simone, Kingswood, SA

We had the pleasure of being delivered the chickpea steak and the salmon tacos – both absolutely delicious!

I have three children aged 5, 8 and 10.  All ate both means with much enthusiasm and excitement, we are already winners, the best result was the excitement translated into a delicious meal that they all loved!  I had plenty of help in the kitchen, all adding to a very positive experience!

The big positives for me were:

– delivered fresh to my door

– very clear instructions

– no wastage with spices or ingredients

– delicious and fresh!

Thomas farm Kitchen review simone

When ordering for a large family, due to the portion packaging I did feel as though there was excessive wastage, perhaps TFK could consider having one package for larger families as opposed to four individual servings.

Thank you again for the opportunity, it was a lot of fun to participate!


TFK 50% code review

Exclusive Thomas Farms Kitchen  Discount Offer for Mums Lounge Readers 

We know that after reading all these rave reviews you’ll be dying to try Thomas Farms Kitchen for yourself (and free yourself from the mind-numbing and mundane menu planning and grocery shopping!) Well, you are in luck! Thomas Farms Kitchen are giving Mums Lounge readers an incredible 50% off their first order and one month’s free membership. There is no lock-in contract or obligation to order again, but the membership does entitle you to 10% off all meals and store items you purchase during the one month period. How awesome is that?

This deal is valid from now until August 19th 2016.

Simply use the coupon code TFKReview at the checkout.

What are you waiting for? Visit Thomas Farms Kitchen today and check out their mouth-watering menu! You won’t be disappointed!




Jolene enjoys writing, sharing and connecting with other like-minded women online – it also gives her the perfect excuse to ignore Mount-Washmore until it threatens to bury her family in an avalanche of Skylander T-shirts and Frozen Pyjama pants. (No one ever knows where the matching top is!) Likes: Reading, cooking, sketching, dancing (preferably with a Sav Blanc in one hand), social media, and sitting down on a toilet seat that one of her children hasn’t dripped, splashed or sprayed on. Dislikes: Writing pretentious crap about herself in online bio’s and refereeing arguments amongst her offspring.