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What Every Mum Needs to Know









I have recently become a father for the first time. Woohoo! I am happier than Shane Warne at an all you can eat buffet! 🙂


But there is important information I’ve learnt that every new mum needs to know. Being contacted to publish on Mum’s Lounge, I see it as a great opportunity to spread this message of what I’ve learnt. But, being a Father, what right do I have about saying what is important for mums?


Well, for every doctor’s appointment my wife had during her pregnancy, I was there. For every ultrasound, I was there. For what we went through, which I’ve recently talked about in my Finally, I am a Dad post, I think the message is pretty clear.


Every mum needs to have an Obstetrician.


Without our Obstetrician, my wife and I would not be parents. It’s as simple as that.


Four our son, we would have fortnightly visits with our Obstetrician. On one visit, all the doctor had to do was put a hand on my wife’s pregnant belly to tell something was wrong and that we needed further check-ups. We ended up in hospital because of the check up, and mummy got lots of rest. Everyone got better because of it. If we didn’t get the rest that was needed, who knows what could have happened.


It basically saved our little boy.


All it turned out to be was low fluids and our baby was a bit small for the third trimester. It was also born with the cord around its neck, so that didn’t help much either.


So that’s what I want every expectant mum to know. To alleviate any worries that you may have, I highly recommended having your own Obstetrician. It can save a life.


Since becoming a Father, I’ve been working harder than a one legged man in an ass kicking competition. All the thanks for me being able to work so hard for baby have to go to that one doctor that we always saw and knew our history.


Without it, our gorgeous baby boy would not be around.


What do you think? Would you see an Obstetrician or are you already seeing one? Love to hear your feedback.


– tork