These Quirky Grandparents Living Life Their Own Way Will Make You Smile

These Quirky Grandparents Living Life Their Own Way Will Make You Smile
Who says you need to lose your sense of humour when you get older? Certainly not these grandparents!
People have been sharing pictures of the fun and quirky things their grandparents do, and they are guaranteed to put a smile on your face. Which one is your favourite?
1. This nanna has been using her hair dryer pretending it is a radar gun to combat speeding drivers on her street. Her neighbours claim that it is working.
2. These grandparents really aren’t messing around. Genius idea tbh. I bet the bottom one doesn’t even work!
3. Prank level: Grandmother
4. “My Grandma got bitten by a pelican on the pier and then began to scold it.” Loving the look of shame on the pelican’s face.
5. You’ll wish you had this grandma guarding your back the next time you have to use the ATM at night.
6. “Grandma put a magazine cut out of Leonardo DiCaprio over her late (not so nice) husband’s face.” A pretty awesome “photoshop” if you ask me!
7. This photo was found on Nanna’s camera by her grandchild after a recent cruise. Go Nanna!
8. These grandparents were spotted waiting for each other at the shopping centre on opposite sides of the one tree. I wonder how long they were there before their grandchild spotted them and took the picture?
9. Someone’s Grandad posted this on Facebook. Such a Grandad thing to do!
10. An oldie but a goodie – this grandad really doesn’t want to be in this painting class!
11. “Three broken ribs yet Grandma still knows how to keep her spirits up during hard times”
12. “My grandfather used to brag about all the pool parties he went to at his friend’s backyard pool. Just found an old photo that revealed this was the pool.”
13. Grandma’s 80th birthday party sure ended on a high!
14. “Grandpa Eugene had professional pictures taken of himself for his Christmas cards.”
15. “My SO’s grandma doesn’t seem to like swear words in books.” This is ducking GOLD!
Are your grandparents this much fun? Which is your favourite?
Source: Rearfront
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