The Benefits of Investing in a Smart Baby Monitor That Grows with Your Child (PLUS GIVEAWAY)

The Benefits of Investing in a Smart Baby Monitor That Grows with Your Child (PLUS GIVEAWAY)
In partnership with Owlet Care
There are no two ways about it, even before they are born, children cost money! Whether it’s shelling out on ultrasounds, transitioning to a maternity wardrobe to fit your changing body, decorating a nursery or purchasing the essentials to get you through their first year, your bank account is likely to take a sizable hit. In fact, research carried out by International e-Commerce platform Picodi’s analysis team revealed that in Australia, the average total cost related to pregnancy and baby’s first year is $5552! Which is why, when it comes to purchasing the big-ticket items such as a cot, stroller, high-chair, and the baby monitor, we’re a big fan of doing your research and opting for products that grow with your child so that the initial expense pays for itself over multiple years, and possibly also, multiple children.
Whether or not you consider a baby monitor as an essential item is entirely subjective, but many parents find that they increase their peace of mind, particularly at night. It’s not uncommon for new parents to report waking several times at night to check that their sleeping baby is breathing, so having a way to check on your baby without disturbing them can be particularly helpful for anxious parents. Having a baby monitor set up also allows parents to complete simple tasks during the day such as showering, or hanging out the washing while their baby naps, without worrying that they won’t hear if their child wakes up. These days, smart baby monitors provide parents with the means not only to hear or see their child from another room in the house, they can also monitor an infant’s temperature, breathing, and heart rate, to give parents a more complete picture of their child’s wellbeing.
In response to popular demand, Owlet, the creators of the smart sock baby monitor, have launched the Smart Sock Plus. Whereas the previous model was suitable for newborns to 18- month-olds, the newest version of the smart sock comes with 3 sock sizes, and fits children up to the age of 5 years old. This allows parents to track their child’s heart rate, blood oxygen levels and sleep trends from birth and throughout the preschool years.
Tracks Child’s Heart Rate & Oxygen
View your child’s live readings in the Owlet App anytime, anywhere. Stay informed of child’s well-being while they sleep.
Tells You When Child Needs You
Get immediate notifications if your child’s oxygen levels or heart rate leave preset zones.
Measures Sleep Trends
View total hours slept, number of wakings, and overall sleep quality. Use the data to create new routines as your child grows.
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For parents who’ve been used to having a baby monitor set up for their baby, transitioning to life without one can be difficult, especially when the baby becomes a toddler and is able to get out of bed during the night or early hours of the morning. Whilst some parents may use the smart monitor less as their child grows, others no doubt continue to feel a greater sense of calm from tracking their child’s vital signs.
Head to the Owlet Care website to find out more about how the Owlet Smart Sock Plus can give you peace of mind through every milestone.
Win an Owlet Smart Sock Plus valued at $549
Our friends at Owlet are giving you the chance to win the Smart Sock Plus valued at $549. For your chance to win simply complete the entry form below. Good luck!
Only open to residents of Australia.
I’m pregnant with baby #9. If you think that sounds busy enough, I also work full-time as a registered nurse. An Owlet Sock will be my extra pair of hands, eyes, and ears on my newest addition to ensure they stay as safe as I can possibly keep them.
What an amazing product. I have a baby and a 5yr old (as well as two older children) with health issues that would make them vulnerable if they get COVID. This would give me peace of mind if/when they get COVID (we live in one of the worst affected suburbs in SA).
I would LOVE to win the owlet smart sock plus to alleviate some of my mum worries! As a mum you worry 24/7.
How wonderful it would be to take that anxiety away from life with a new born and beyond!!! New grand daughter arriving next week fingers crossed would love to win.
With feelings of exhaustion I often worry about physically being awake enough to get up to check on my babies, the Owlet Smart would help take some of that worry away.
The owlet sock is such an incredible invention for parents. I would love to win the owlet smart sock so my partner and I can finally get a good night sleep knowing there’s an extra set of eyes on our precious baby.
An Owlet Smart Sock Plus would be like having a nanny on hand. Always reliable, always present, always safe.
My gorgeous friend is having her first baby in March, alone, and she’s a teacher so I’d love to gift it to her.
To gift to my friend who is having a baby. I know how much peace of mind the Owlet Smart Sock will give her.
This Owlet Smart Sock would be just the perfect gift for my bff Erina who is having her baby in 3 weeks. I couldn’t think of a better surprise gift for her. Just so much less worry.
What a relief, an extra moments sleep because I know the children in my family would be sleeping soundly too.
I would love to win this for my grandson. That little bit of extra peace of mind woke wonderful.
After loosing 5 unborn babies in the space of 2 years before our rainbow baby was born, I would be much less anxious if my new baby had an Owlet smart sock in place.
An opportunity for us both to sleep sound and easy, knocking socks off worry!
Wouldn’t I just be the BEST & WISEST GRANDMA – HOOT HOOT!
Luca is a right live wire and a monitor has just not been as effective as it could be. The Smart Sock is such a simple solution for those of us with crazy kids.
Hi Mum’s Lounge,
Sorry! Somehow submitted in error. Can you please delete my first, shorter (incomplete) entry.
Luca is a right live wire and a monitor has just not been as effective as it could be. With Levi just arrived, chances are we’re in for much of the same hectic pace and the Smart Sock is such a simple solution for those of us with such crazy kids.
Would love to win this to help our daughter and my wife sleep better
Love this! What a great idea.
All 4 of my kids suffer from croup. I wanted to get it with #4 but couldn’t afford that amount of money for only 18m having this would be such a help and I would love to see even bigger sizes.
With a history of chronic asthma in my family I have breathing monitored for my 7mth old, but would love to cover more bases with the owlet sick.
With chronic asthma family history I have my 7mth olds breathing monitored but would love to cover more bases with the owlet sock.
We would love to win the owlet sock plus currently have an 8yr old, 20 month old and hopefully in the near future we can complete our family with a 3rd I’d use the owlet sock on my 20month old who’s sleep is horrible atm who’s back to waking multiple times a night after sleeping through since 14 months old
My best friend is due to have her first bub in a month. I’m so excited for her and would love to be able to give her peace of mind with the owlet sock!
With her bedroom at the other end of our home,
This would put us into a comfort zone!
Knowing she is okay.
It’s a brilliant concept I say!
I’ve recently started caring for my nephew and the anxiety/worry/sleeplessness is next level. I literally stare at the monitor camera to watch him breathe. I can only imagine how his mum must feel on a full time level. I would love to win this for her to help ease some of those feeling.
The Owlet Smart Sock Plus is the most brilliant find
To bring comfort, reassurance and peace of mind
It will help with everyday family routines, be our best friend
As a big thanks goes to Mums Lounge, hugs and gratefulness we will send
Bringing smiles, joy and happiness all around
Amidst peacefulness and serenity to wondrously surround
It would be a marvellous dream come true
To accompany story time and a bedtime “I love you”.
Ideal for my newborn grandson!