The Strange Things These Kids Said About Their Past Life Will Give You Goosebumps!

Whether or not you believe in reincarnation, you have to admit that the phenomenon of children (usually between the age of 2-6) talking, sometimes in great detail and sometimes just in passing, about ‘the last time they were here’ is fascinating! Children at this age are by nature highly imaginative, but how do you explain them making reference to people they never met or events that happened before they were even born?
Children Who Talk About Their Past Life
We’ve compiled some of the most goosebump-inducing stories of things children have done or said that made their parents think they’ve lived a past life.
My grandmother passed away about 10 years ago. We were very close and my whole life she always told me that she would be my guardian angel after she died.
When my daughter, now 5 was about 3 she had terrible night terrors and would have a hard time going to sleep. I would spend the evenings with her comforting her to help her get to sleep, reading books, talking to her, etc. One night we were talking about what do you want to be when you grow up. She kept telling me that she used to be a grown up. After prying and asking what she meant, she told me that when she was a grown-up she used to be my grandma. She then told me a story about when I was young, I had an accident and was burned when helping her cook dinner. It’s something that I never told her but did actually happen. It completely creeped me out at first, and she has never really mentioned anything else like that since. (djhankb)
I have a few, all the same kid.
First when my son was 3, he told me that he was once kidnapped and the police accidentally shot and killed him when they were trying to rescue him.
When he turned five he told me he had never made it this far.
Also when he was five, we drove past my grandparents old house, they have been gone 16 & 18 years now. He told me “I used to play in that house with Pappy (my dad) when I was little, except the house used to be white”
The house did indeed used to be white and it had been painted and ugly gray. My dad also had 9 siblings, three of which died in infancy.
edit none of the siblings were shot by police. A set of twin boys born prematurely in the 1940’s didn’t survive a week. My aunt died of internal bleeding the mid 1950’s she was two (anonymous)
When my sister was 3 she would go on and on about her brother, Brian. We’re all girls, and we don’t know where she would have heard the name. But it was all, Brian does this Brian and me used to do that, on and on. Thinking Brian was an imaginary friend I asked her where Brian was now. She said “he’s dead, I am, too. The bomb got us and our house is gone.” Very weird. (fridayfridayjones)
My family took everyone on a trip to see their old neighborhood. They drove by a house where, about 15 years earlier, a little girl was hit by a car and died. My cousin, who was about 4 at the time, never had been in the neighborhood, and never heard this tragic story, stopped what she was doing and said, “Oh, that’s where I died, isn’t it?” She then resumed playing with her dolls (or whatever it was she was doing). (westsideHK)
My four-year-old regularly tells me accurate things about my grandmother who passed away 3 days after my daughter was born. She has told me about “Pooder” which was my grandmas dog when I was a child. The most recent one was “Do you remember when I was big and I took you to the doctor and then to McDonald’s?” Yes, yes I do. (dangitsang)
Unsure if this counts, but here we go haha. When I was 4 I had an imaginary friend, his name was Billy. Sometimes his friend was with him, her name was Lady. Billy went with me everywhere, he had a spot at the table, he was on the swing next to me at the park, slept on the top bunk etc. I was really afraid of milk tankers and would shake and cry whenever I saw one. When I saw an ambulance Id say “Mum Billy died in there” Anyway we moved to a small town to be closer to my grandparents and Mum started doing ancestry, she found an uncle named Billy who died in an ambulance after colliding with a milk tanker. His wife was with him, cant remember her name but her nickname was Lady. Also 2 of their 3 kids were in the car, unfortunately no-one survived. Turns out the small town we just moved to was the town it happened just out of and they died about 15 years before I was born. (VisualImagination891)
My half-brother has a very particular name, his father had an older brother who died at a very young age with the same name, (my brother was named after him) when my brother was 3-4yo he looked straight into his dad eyes and said “daddy do you remember when I was older than you and we played together, then I fall asleep and now I’m younger” (jcbastida117)
My little cousin, at about three years old, looked at us all at the family gathering and said, “you know, I went down with the ship.” Then he switched back to three-year-old English and started playing. (neuroctopus)
My two year old saw me organizing my basketball cards. He tottered over and said “when I was big, I used to buy those for you.”
My dad bought me those cards, 25 years ago, shortly before he passed away. (firstbreathOOC)
I am not religious, so it really threw me when my son was 2.5 and told me “before I was born, your grandpa used to take me to the park”. He then went on to explain that this was “before I was in your belly”.
My grandfather died over a year before my son was born. He always took us to the park when we were kids… (AllNightFox)
I have three children. One girl (the eldest), and two boys.
When my daughter was about 4, she used to talk frequently about how when she was here before and she and her little sister (she was an only child at the time) “drownded”, and how she was glad to be here now but that she missed her sister.
Okay. A little creepy, but kids are weird, and she grew out of it by the time she was six and didn’t remember talking about it by the time she was ten, so whatever.
Several years later, when daughter was around 12, after her second little brother was born and was himself around 4 years old, HE one day suddenly comes out with: “Mommy, remember last time when I was a girl? And me and (big sister) were on the boat and I went under the water and I died? And (big sister) too…?” (UnicornOnTheJayneCob)
My 3 yr old said, “I was your mom in heaven,” Multiple times. When I was six weeks pregnant with her, my mom died unexpectedly the day she found out the secret that I was pregnant at 40 with what would be her last and 21st grandchild. We were going to surprise her on her 75th birthday, two weeks later, but a niece let the secret out.
When my girl was 4, we were looking through pictures boxes. I have no family pictures posted in my house. Later that night I realized my girl took three pictures of my mom and put then in her room. She’s never seen pictures of my mom before. I asked her why she took those pictures and she said, “because I’m pretty.” (capnvontrappswhistle)
My friend had a miscarriage before she had her first daughter. A few years ago when her daughter was about 4 a group of us were at a party and her daughter was sitting on her lap and said something along the lines of “I’m sorry I left you before mommy. I was hurting really bad and I wasn’t ready.” My friend asked her was she meant and her daughter said she left her before she was born but came back. Super creepy. Daughter doesn’t remember this conversation and still doesn’t know about the miscarriage. (woerkbidness)
He literally told me. He was 3 and pretending to run over his Lego men. When asked to stop he said,
“That’s how I died isn’t it?”
“No, you’ve never died.”
“Yes I have! When I was 2 last time. The car hit me, my other mummy cried then I came to you.”
“… … …”
He’s a teen now, doesn’t remember a thing about it. (NodgenodgeWinkwink)
My daughter would freak out and start crying and screaming while repeating. “Why! Why! I got married, I just got married, I got married.” Over and over again with this tone filled with grief that I never heard come out of a child so small. 2 and 1/2 is pretty young to be sobbing you’re heart out. It was a cry that I had only ever heard from adults who have lost the love of their life. (ViolentGrace)
When my son was 3 years old my husband decided to take him on an airplane tour of our small city. They booked a tour in a small 3 seater-plane – pilot and my husband in the front, and room for the little guy in the back. When they got out on the Tarmac though, our son pushed past the pilot and climbed into the pilot’s seat. When my husband told him he couldn’t sit there because that was for the pilot, our boy got got very still and quietly said, “it’s because I crashed last time, isn’t it?” Then he started to cry and shake his head, and said (almost yelling apoarently) “All those people died cus of me!!!” And he climbed back down and started running back to the terminal in tears. My husband finally got him settled down by explaining that his legs were too short for his feet to reach the pedals, and not because he crashed ‘last time.’ So back they headed to the plane and got settled in. Sitting in the back, my boy asked if he could have a headset-which he received, with the mic switched off. The pilot didn’t tell him the mic was off though, so the little guy started doing his checks and trying to talk to the tower. Needless to say, the pilot was a little freaked out by all this, so he never did ask our son about when he supposedly crashed a plane. 3 years later, we all headed to an aviation museum, and our now 6-year-old son started talking to one of the curators about a certain type of WWII British plane. I was a bit surprised because we didn’t have any books about planes in our house and he’d never shown an interest in them before. Lucky for my son though, the aviation museum was in the process of restoring one of the very airplanes my son was asking about, and they offered to let us have a look even though it wasn’t ready for display yet. Apparently, a private collector had “modernized” the plane some time in the 1970s or so, and they were in the process of restoring it to, its original condition. My son started pointing several different items in the plane that plane that he thought weren’t right, had been replaced, etc. When we asked how he knew about this, he said he’d flown on of these a few times when he was big. He couldn’t tell us much more except that he normally flew a different plane, and that he’d crashed it because he made a mistake. He also said that several innocent people died in the crash and that it ‘wasn’t their time to die yet.’ He got very sad then and said he didn’t want to talk about it anymore. When we asked about it again when he was in his teens he said he remembered the trip to the museum, but didn’t remember being big before. (Well-thenWhat)
Has your child ever said anything about a past life?