These Wrong Number Texts Are Guaranteed to Make You Laugh at Least a Little Bit

These Wrong Number Texts Are Guaranteed to Make You Laugh at Least a Little Bit
Have you ever received a wrong number text and decided to have a little fun with it? These people have. Some struck up a conversation while others tried to help out. The funniest people even messed them around with devilish intent to cause a little mayhem and excitement. Not gonna lie, those text conversations made us laugh, and so we thought we’d share some of the best ones with you!
1. Great way to utterly freak out some parents
2. We are so intrigued as to how anyone could consider a bunch of grapes a warning. We must have more details!!
3. We can see why Ashly gave this man a fake number
4. Hope this person gets their crabs!
5. We’d love to hear more information too, please!
6. What a lovely wholesome response!
7. Not again!
8. Sometimes people just don’t get it.
9. I’m just… what?
10. This one is a bit sweet!
11. It’s always wonderful when strangers help you out
12. Even better when they have your back during an ass stomping endeavour
13. Then there are the good old trolls just out for a laugh
14. Sometimes we all just need to be told, don’t we?
15. What in blue blazes is going on here?
16. Another wholesome interaction between strangers
17. Always good advice
18. Any help to prevent plants from dying is always welcome!
19. Bailey does look like a good boy though, and bonus dog pictures are always welcome!
20. Can’t tell if this was written by a kid in year 3, or someone’s nanna
21. Who wouldn’t want to see a llama in a lobster costume?
What do you think? Will you play along next time you receive a wrong number text? Which one was your favourite? Let us know in the comments!
Source: Bored Panda