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6 Tips on How to Outsmart Burglars This Easter and Make Your Home Looked Lived in When You are Away

6 Tips on How to Outsmart Burglars This Easter and Make Your Home Looked Lived in When You are Away

Amid the excitement of packing the family suitcases and planning holiday activities, it can be easy to neglect the simple things you can do around your home to ensure that it is secure in your absence. Natasha Morgan, Home Security Expert and Founder of My Home Watch Australia believes that many of us fall victim to a number of common mistakes which can make our empty homes irresistible to thieves.

Tip One: Don’t Leave a Spare Key Around Your Property

‘The most obvious one is, DON’T leave a house key under the door mat or a plant pot, in the letterbox or in other obvious places,” Natasha explains. “Thieves know exactly where to look.”

It is a better idea to leave a spare key with a trusted neighbour or family member.

Tip Two: Make Your Home Look Lived-in

Burglars often say that they observe houses over a period of a few days before they break in. Uninhabited homes are their preferred target, for obvious reasons. So, if your home hasn’t had lights on for a few days/nights, it’s a pretty strong signal to potential thieves that no one is home. Therefore, the more lived in you can make your home appear when you are away, the lower the likelihood of it becoming a target of thieves. One way to do this is to hire a smart home security system, and program it to turn lights on and off randomly several times a day. Some of the more advanced systems can also control other appliances in your home, such TV’s and radios so it also sounds as if someone is home.

Tip Three: Leave Pets at Home

According to Natasha “If you have a dog and they are being cared for at home while you are away, they can be one of the best deterrents for thieves.” A pet-service can allow your pet to stay in the comfort of your home whilst you are away and give you peace of mind that your home is being protected.

Tip Four: Turn Your Phone Down

Turning your home phone down before you leave for your vacation might not have crossed your mind previously, but it’s a tip that Natasha recommends.

“I know we live in an age where mobile phones are most people’s home phone. However, if you do have a home phone and you like it loud, when you are going to be away from home, turn the volume down so it is not obvious that the home is unoccupied.”

Tip Five: Organise for Someone to Put Your Bins Out and Empty Your Mail Box

Having someone put your bins out is another simple but effective way of making your home look lived in.

Similarly, nothing screams no one is home like an overflowing mailbox!

My Home Watch operates Interior and Exterior services that include anything from collecting mail and putting out your bins, to cleaning your pool or garden while you are out of town, so there is no need to rely on busy neighbours or family.

To find out more about how My Home Watch can help you visit to check out their full range of services.



Jolene enjoys writing, sharing and connecting with other like-minded women online – it also gives her the perfect excuse to ignore Mount-Washmore until it threatens to bury her family in an avalanche of Skylander T-shirts and Frozen Pyjama pants. (No one ever knows where the matching top is!) Likes: Reading, cooking, sketching, dancing (preferably with a Sav Blanc in one hand), social media, and sitting down on a toilet seat that one of her children hasn’t dripped, splashed or sprayed on. Dislikes: Writing pretentious crap about herself in online bio’s and refereeing arguments amongst her offspring.