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Jayden K Smith Does NOT Want to Be Your Friend

Jayden K Smith Does NOT Want to Be Your Friend

Facebook is currently gripped in a panic about one social media user named Jayden K Smith. We have been receiving multiple messages from our friends each day, warning us not to accept a friend request from him, lest he hacks our accounts.

The message that is going viral at global epidemic proportions is asking each Facebook user to spread the message far and wide, by copying the text and sending it to each and every contact on their friends list like an elaborate chain letter.

Please tell all the contacts in your messenger list not to accept Jayden K. Smith friendship request. He is a hacker and has the system connected to your Facebook account. If one of your contacts accepts it, you will also be hacked, so make sure that all your friends know it. Thanks. Forwarded as received.

Hold your finger down on the message. At the bottom in the middle it will say forward. Hit that then click on the names of those in your list and it will send to them

But never fear, dear readers, for Jayden K Smith does not want to be your friend. He doesn’t want to be anyone’s friend. He doesn’t exist at all, as far as anyone can tell.

This Jaden Smith doesn’t want to be your friend either.

The message is a hoax and one that has been doing the rounds for years. The only difference this time around is that the “hacker’s” name has been changed and that people are spreading this particular message around like wildfire.

Myth-busting website Snopes said not to fear and it’s a “long running hoax”

“Variants of these messages are circulated endlessly, with different names swapped in and out.

“The most common variant of this hoax is one that warns the reader not to accept Facebook friend requests from ‘hackers’ purportedly named ‘Christopher Davies’ and ‘Jessica Davies,’ otherwise one of the two will wreak some unspecified havoc.”

Simply accepting a friend request is a relatively inefficient way of delivering a virus or other IT bug. Fooling people into opening a rogue email attachment works far better.

No one, neither an old friend or new, has the ability to hack into your Facebook account by simply sending a friend request. That in itself is not a thing.

Of course, people are having a bit of fun with it as they tend to do sometimes.

A lot of people share this sort of thing thinking that it’s better to be safe than sorry. This is exactly what the real scammers are counting on, as it gets their messages sent far and wide.

If you have received one (or seven) of these Jayden K Smith messages, please just ignore it. Do not send it to all of your friends. Break the chain.


Source: Twitter/Jaden Smith

Jill Slater

Jill Slater

Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!