Woman Needs Magnifying Glass To See Her Engagement Ring

Woman Needs Magnifying Glass To See Her Engagement Ring
They say size doesn’t matter. But perhaps you’d rethink that if you were on the receiving end of the world’s tiniest engagement ring. Does this bride-to-be have a right to be annoyed or should she just be grateful for what she receives?
When women post photos of their tiny engagement rings in order to embarrass their fiancés, commenters often side with the guy. Not this time. A post was shared recently on the subreddit r/weddingshaming from a very disgruntled fiancé showing a photo of what has to be the most minuscule diamond we’ve ever seen.
As the caption says, this woman’s partner of eight years saved up to buy her this diamond ring and suffice to say she ain’t happy about it!
Now even if your mentality is ‘it’s the thought that you counts’ you have to admit this is one tiny ass ring. In fact commenters were quick to agree with the bride-to-be saying there’s no way she should put up with that.
Her whole point of sharing the post was to see if she was over reacting. Redditors believed she was not.
“I’m not materialistic when it comes to things like this but if my man proposed with THAT I would be full on insulted,” one user wrote. “There are nicer, more substantial rings than that for $200. He went out of his way to find the cheapest possible option; which to me says that he’s probably like that in every aspect of the relationship and will probably be like that in every aspect of their marriage.”