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Woman Shocked After Being Asked to Pay For Dinner at Friend’s House

Woman Shocked After Being Asked To Pay For Dinner At Friend’s House


After attending a friend’s house for dinner, this woman received a text asking her to reimburse the host for the meal she’d just eaten. Now the woman wants to know if she has a right to feel annoyed.

Writing into discussion forum Mumsnet the woman explained the situation for the readers:

“We were invited to a friends house for dinner. Took a bottle of good wine with us, we wouldn’t ever go empty handed. had a good meal, but they sent us a message after asking for money for each person! I thought this was crazy and I would never ask anyone to pay for their food if I invited them over! AIBU to be a bit annoyed? We’ve already arranged to have them to ours in a few weeks time and I’m not asking them for anything!”

Commenters rushed to her defence saying she has every right to feel upset.

One person wrote: ‘That’s awful behaviour!!! What is wrong with some people?!’

Another wrote: ‘Outrageous behaviour and incredibly rude.’

One said: ‘That’s incredibly rude. If they couldn’t afford to host then they should have asked everyone over and to bring a plate of food. Or say come over and we will get a takeaway, but would everyone mind paying for their own share. But to ask for money afterward is just crazy.’

Another added: ‘That’s unbelievably rude. I would be absolutely mortified to know someone that tight.’

In a follow up post the woman agreed that it was very rude of the host to ask for money and said: ‘My thoughts precisely! They’d got nice steaks from the butcher etc which I can imagine was expensive. But still – I was pretty miffed!

“I wouldn’t dream of ever doing that. I’ve had friends over in the past when I was a student and broke and I would just do a big stew and tell everyone to bring a bottle! But it wouldn’t cross my mind to text someone after!! We were very much invited! They’d just moved so wanted to host at their new apartment. I still can’t get over the fact they asked for just over $30 each. I’m assuming that was all the food they cooked divided by all of us. We really enjoy their company, they’re great friends. It’s just this I can’t get over…”she continued.

Some commenters went as far as saying she should cut these friends off ASAP.

”I think I’d reply with ‘please tell me you’re having a laugh. Tell you what, I won’t send you the bill after dinner at ours and then we’ll be quits,” wrote one person.

Others added shared their own weird experiences in hopes of making the woman feel she wasn’t alone.

“Wtf? I wouldn’t have the audacity! It’s just weird! My parents just received an invitation to a wedding where they are asked to pay to attend! If you can’t afford a wedding with a sit down meal then plan a cheaper wedding! I have no idea how some people function.”

Another said: “I got invited to a 50th birthday party recently but it said on the invitation it was $20.00 per head. I declined, as did most of my friends who were invited. It wasn’t in a restaurant, the party was at their own home, and the brash request for cash was quite astonishing. To ask for money after the event is even more ridiculous.’

What would you have done in this situation?


Images: Pixabay


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Chrystal Lovevintage

Chrystal Lovevintage

Chrystal is a writer and blogger who loves nothing more than watching back to back episodes of crime shows. Should she ever find herself needing to cover up a crime, she'll know exactly what to do! Her dream is to one day live in Palm Springs where she can do her writing poolside while drinking endless gin and tonics. Mum to the cutest twin boys in the world, she loves nothing more than the sound of their laughter (usually heard when they're conspiring against her). Entertainment writer and pop culture junkie, she will be bringing you all the celebrity gossip and news that your brain can handle. You can follow her blog at and on Instagram at Chrystalovevintage

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