Father’s Day: Celebrating Dad

Father’s Day is nearly here, and it’s a great time to spoil Dad and remind him how special he is. Whether you lavish him with gifts, cuddles or simply time to relax, this day is the perfect opportunity to celebrate Dad.
We know the ladies of Mum’s Lounge are very busy women indeed, so The Thrifty Issue would like to present to you 50 Thrifty Gifts and Experiences for Dad to make your day easier as well.
For the easiest gift idea ever … see number 50 on the “Experiences” list below, and simply use our free printable.
50 THRIFTY Gift Ideas and Experiences for Dad
• Craft or Boutique Beers
• Go fishing
• Create a wine rack from cans (see picture below)
• Breakfast in bed
• Golf balls, tennis racket, football etc.
• Pack Dad’s favourite treats in a picnic bag, and head to the park
• Leather wristband
• Mow the lawn, or wash Dad’s car (deluxe wash, inside and out)
• A Queenslander Pack (or Victorian Pack, or Sydney Pack etc.) … include samples of things local to your town. Write up some cards with the history of each item and where it originated from etc.
• A stubby holder with a picture representing a favourite place or slogan
• Make home-made pizza and garlic bread for dinner
• Box of small jams and honeys, or hot roasted macadamia nuts
• Home movie night (Dad’s pick of DVD, homemade popcorn, chocolates and milkshakes)
• Home brew beer kit
• Roast marshmallows over the BBQ or open fire
• Vintage frames, signs or workers tools
• Go out for McDonalds 30c ice-cream
• Gardening tools (gloves, spade), and/or a new plant, rose bush etc.
• Set up the hammock or Dad’s favourite chair with a new book or local newspaper, a cup of coffee and allow him 3 hours of R&R (or longer)! Total peace and quiet.
• New pair of Thongs (footwear), you can go designer or budget ones with great designs (i.e. Aussie flag)
• Car wash kit (you should probably wash it for him too!)
• Fold a Note into a T-Shirt (thanks to Sarah at Tomfo)
• Buy Dad’s favourite meats or sausages and cook up a BBQ lunch.
• Write Dad a letter listing all the things you love about him
• Sample Bag of Dad’s favourite chocolates / goodies
• A scavenger hunt designed by the kids for Dad (for example: have Dad hunt for the items in his Sample Bag
• Traditional items like a tie, socks, hankies, book, cd, cufflinks, and gift voucher.
• Gather up all your 5c pieces, set up the card table and organise a Card Night
• A framed collage of Dad’s favourite photos
• Pick a scenic destination and enjoy a bike ride
• An autograph book – have the kids write something in the book to their Dad on every Father’s Day.
• Take Dad to the museum
• Gift voucher for the App Store
• The Entertainment Book
• Home-made Tomato Relish (thanks to Economies of Kale)
• Check out the nearest waterfall, river, creek, lagoon, dam and take Dad for a hike or simply a gentle walk and watch the lovely views
• Cook Dad’s favourite dinner
• Dad’s Jobs Coupon (a coupon where you offer to do ‘his’ jobs for the next two weeks, i.e. take rubbish out, mow lawn etc.).
• Head to the beach. Pack your favourite bread and sauce, and buy hot chips to make “hot chip sandwiches”
• Movie Tickets
• Hand knitted beanie, scarf, gloves, socks, jumper
• An outing to the Barber for an old fashioned shave with the cut-throat razor
• Gather your supplies for some easy kite making and flying in the park
• Check the internet or local paper for “family fun days” or local “fetes”
• Simply sit and chat to Dad with a cuppa
• Personalised gift (i.e. shed tools, pen, cover for iPad, BBQ tools, and golf balls).
• The Thrifty Issue are having morning tea with Dad, and serving his favourite: homemade chocolate sponge cake with coffee buttercream icing, served with a hot coffee
• Take Dad to a destination that reminds you, or him of a special memory
• If Dad isn’t around, simply enjoy reflection time and remember all the lovely things about Dad
• Print this list and have Dad select his favourite items!
I’m Alison and I created THE THRIFTY ISSUE because I enjoy sharing ideas and creating things with my family and friends, on a budget. The Thrifty Issue is a place to visit for stylish, funky and fun ideas on saving time, money and stress. A place to meet and greet, to share and explore The Thrifty Issue.