Free Santa Christmas Countdown Advent Calenda

The suspense to Christmas is the best bit I think…. Here’s a freebie for all Mums Lounge fans, you can download and print out this Santa Christmas Countdown Calendar then add cotton wool balls for Santa’s beard with the kids as the big day gets closer. It’s super easy. (Promise)
Here’s what I did…
Go to TOMFO and use the promo code “Rudolf”, the checkout will update to FREE and you’ll receive a link to download.
Then simply print out on A4 paper, a 200gsm card stock will last longer, (the colour will vary depending on printers and the stock you use), you can punch a hole in the top and add some ribbon, then hang, or attach to the fridge with a magnet. I printed out the pdf twice and used the lid of a mason jar to make a face template to put all the cotton wool in…
Then glue on a piece of Santa’s beard every night with the kids…
On Christmas eve you will have made Santa’s beard complete and he’ll bearriving the next morning. So exciting!
I love a good suspense story… and seeing my little guy get excited about Christmas.
We saw Santa the other day and I asked, “Do you really give potatoes to kids that are naughty?” He said… “Oh, yes and sometimes onions!” (love that Santa), my little guy can’t stop talking about that. LOL
I hope you enjoy this freebie, it’s been a pleasure writing for Mum’s Lounge this year. I’m pledging to relax and enjoy all the days before Christmas and stop and enjoy the moments with my family and friends.
Head to my checkout to download Santa here.
(Don’t forget to use the code RUDOLF to redeem for free.)
Do you countdown to Christmas?
Live with Love
Hi there and thanks for dropping by, my name is Sarah, you can find out more about me over at my
I’m a mum and a graphic artist, run my own business and enjoy creating things, organising a great get-together with family and friends and spending time with the people I love. I design a product called Tomfo (Tomorrow’s Family Organiser) it helps me get organised so I can do just that.
Making a house a home is one of my passions, and yep… every day I get to make dinner! I’m making a list of all the recipes we’ve tried and loved over at Tomfo so when I get asked” What’s for dinner tonight?” it’s not such a scary question. Because eating a meal at the end of the day with the two guys I love is pretty special, I think.
I choose to live with love, even though some days it can be a challenge, it’s inspired by my beautiful cousin and family and friends.
Come, join me… Live with Love,
Sarah Preston