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Give Mum the Breakfast She Deserves on Mother’s Day!

Give Mum the Breakfast She Deserves on Mother’s Day!

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It’s almost Mother’s Day and I have to tell you I am really looking forward to the traditional Breakfast in bed.. because this year my children are older and my husband is smarter!

No more soggy eggs and burnt toast, no more accidentally sweetened coffee!

This year I am getting a gourmet treat for my Mother’s Day!!

Hubby went down to our favorite variety store Cheap as Chips and got everything we needed! Very cleverly, my breakfast also contains my gifts!

I LOVE a good cookbook, especially one that has some stories or personal anecdotes inside so this book was perfect for me! I can’t put it down!

One of the really cool pressies I got also helped the kids prepare breakfast for me! The Ceramic Egg Cooker make it so easy for even the youngest to prepare a yummy feast, you just crack in some eggs, add bacon pieces, mushroom and spring onion and 2 min in the microwave.. Hey presto brekkie! For only $10 we have all of our winter breakfasts sorted. Best of all, there is only one dish to clean!

The kids even managed to find my favourite OJ at Cheap as Chips, its actually orange Juice mixed with grape so its not too strong, sploshed into a glass with a sprig of mint and some ice, it feels like cocktail hour at 10am.

Now, the icing on the cake of course was this adorable folding tray that is the bee’s knees in decadent breakfast serving, no more wobbling a bowl of cereal on the knees to me! I can even use it for my laptop on the couch when I don’t want to leave the fire this winter.

Top it all of with this super cute pot of flowers, a beautiful napkin, piping hot tea and of course, don’t forget the chocolates for Mum!

I think that I am certainly feeling like the Queen of this house!

Now…if only I can get the kids to clean their rooms!