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Questions to Ask Your Parents Before They Are Unable to Answer Them

questions to ask your parents

When was the worst day of your life?

For most people, it would be when they lost someone dear to them like a parent or a child.

Blogger, Rossalyn Warren, can recall the worst day of her life: It was the day her mother died ten years ago.

Warren penned a heartfelt post about experiencing the loss of her mum and dad by the time she was twenty.

She regrets that she didn’t know her mother. Not because her mother wasn’t present in her life, but more because she never thought to have conversations with her mum – understanding her decisions and learning from her wisdom while she grew up.

There are many bucket lists of ‘Things You Must Do Before You Die’, listing travel destinations you should go to and adventures you have to take.

But Warren doesn’t believe we will regret not travelling enough or busying ourselves with high-action activities. We will regret not spending more time with the people we love and getting to know them better.

“I will always regret that I didn’t get the chance to find out everything I could about my parents.” writes Warren.

With this in mind, a list was put together of possible questions you might ask your parents (or grandparents) to get an insight into their lives when they were younger

Questions to Ask Your Parents Before They Are Unable to Answer Them

Who did they first fall in love with?

How many times have they been in love?

How did they feel when they first became pregnant with you?

Why did they want children?

What was their time at school like?

What did they want to do or be when they were young?

What have been the happiest moments of their life?

What makes them laugh more than anything?

What do they love about themselves?

What do they love doing that they aren’t doing?

What is their best memory of you?

What is something they’ve never told anyone else before?

Have they ever broken the law?

What do they hate more than anything?

What are their favourite records they’ve owned?

What song could they listen to 100 times in a row?

What was their first car?

What is the best book they’ve ever read?

What is a favourite dish they order every-time at a restaurant?

When have they felt most vulnerable?

What are they most proud of?

What is their biggest regret?

Where do they find peace?

Do they, or have they ever, believed in God?

What is their favourite place they’ve visited?

Where do they want you to visit in the world?

What advice did their parents give them?

What’s the one thing that changed their life the most?

What world event had the most impact on them?

When keeps them awake at night?

What do they think of the world we live in?

If your grandparents or parents pass away unexpectedly, or they become too ill to communicate, you don’t want to live with regret that you didn’t get to ask them about their life.

What questions would you want to ask your parents? Do you know the answers to some of these questions already?

Rebecca Senyard

Rebecca Senyard

Rebecca Senyard is a plumber by day and stylist by night but these days she changes more nappies than washers. She is a happily married mum to three young daughters who she styles on a regular basis. Rebecca is not only an award winning plumber, she also writes an award winning blog called The Plumbette where she shares her life experiences as a plumber and mother. Rebecca also blogs at Styled by Bec believing a girl can be both practical and stylish. Links to the blogs are and