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This Restaurant Has a One Alcoholic Drink RULE if You Dine with Children

This Restaurant Has a One Alcoholic Drink RULE if You Dine with Children

Would you eat at a restaurant that denied you a second alcoholic drink if you were with children?

Personally, I would not.

And not because I’m irresponsible and think it’s OK to drink and drive but because I believe our society is already over-policed and there are enough rules and regulations put in place by governments that I sure as HELL don’t need to be told what I can and cannot do by a patronising restaurant owner I am PAYING to dine in.

Peddlers Bar and Bistro in Clifton Park, New York implemented a one alcoholic drink ONLY rule for parents dining with children seven years ago. It was instated by the restaurant’s general manager, Melissa Gravelle.

Melissa says, “we love children, everybody loves children and children don’t have a voice. I could never live with myself knowing that I killed somebody driving. I could never do that and it’s a choice that you can avoid.”

Some of the customers have had a hard time with this rule and have argued with wait staff but the restaurant holds firm to their policy (which is explained upfront to parents dining with children.) And anyone who is unwilling to uphold their policy is asked to leave.

To be honest, if I was driving with or without children in the car, I would be hesitant even to have one drink but that’s because I’m a cheap drunk. One large glass of wine in my short, slight self could easily put me on the brink of being at the legal limit and it’s not a chance I’d want to take.

Having said that though, my husband is 6’1″ and could easily have four drinks in an hour and remain at 0 blood alcohol. We know this, because we have tested it with breathalysers. So – even if he were driving, that would preclude ME from having and enjoying a few glasses of wine. Wine, that for me – is bloody well usually necessary when dining with the little terrors, loves.

So yeah, sorry but I’ll be giving your establishment a miss thanks very much.

What about you, would you dine there?

Carolyn Murphy

Carolyn Murphy

Carolyn Murphy is a married mother of three and regularly provides us with recipes and strange but true stories about her life. When she’s not here, she can also be found on her website where all her other recipes are located!