Join the 21 Day Challenge – Your Brain Matters

If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably undertaken a million challenges as part of your new year’s resolution. Am I right? If it’s not the 30 day squat challenge, then it’s the 14 day no sugar diet.
I know I’m guilty of trying to do too much yet not really achieving anything.
Which is why I love the Alzheimer’s Australia 21 Day Brain Challenge. It’s all about looking after your brain health by doing everyday challenges that are easy and fun!
Keeping your brain healthy is essential for living a fulfilling, healthy and long life. It’s never too early or too late to start as brain health can be improved and protected at any age.
Alzheimer’s Australia’s Your Brain Matters program is based on scientific evidence that a number of health and lifestyle factors, that we can all do something about, are associated with brain function and the risk of developing dementia.
To lead a brain healthy life you need to look after your brain, your body and your heart – the earlier the better. Scientific research suggests that leading a brain healthy life may reduce a person’s risk of developing dementia later in life.
By following these 5 simple steps you can be on the road to a Healthier Brain in no time:
Step One – Look after your heart
Step Two – Be physically active
Step Three – Mentally challenge your brain
Step Four – Follow a healthy diet
Step Five – Enjoy social activity
One of the reasons I’ve decided to take up this challenge is to ensure that my brain stays as active and sharp as the rest of my body. The brain is my most useful asset so it makes perfect sense for me to look after it just as carefully and meticulously as I do the rest of my body.
Will you join me in the 21 Day challenge to improve your brain health?
It’s so easy. Go to and register to sign up. It’s free and it’s easy. Once you’ve done that go to the list of challenges and choose some that appeal to you.
For example, I’ve chosen to try and get 8 hours sleep a night, to attend a trivia night, to try and walk every day and to cut out junk food from my diet.
Once I’ve achieved those goals I just update my account and choose some new challenges. You can do as many or as few as you like.
Go at your own pace and in just 21 days you’ll be feeling better and looking great. And you’ll know that you’re doing all you can to ensure your brain stays healthy.
What are you waiting for? Go to and sign up today. Because YOUR BRAIN MATTERS!
Chrystal Psaltopoulos Mother of twins, loving wife and vintage tragic. A child of the 80s who loves pop culture, Danish design and vegemite toast with honey. Loves fashion, reading autobiographies and has a knack for turning trash to treasure. Chrystal’s honest reflections are an insight into her colourful and at times crazy world. You can follow her blog at