Chocolate Christmas Tree Pizza

These chocolate pizzas are super easy to make, melt some chocolate in the microwave, add a christmas design and your done. If you’re like me and have friends from all over dropping in at the moment,
why wait for christmas to break out the chocolate?
My friend visits a few times a year and she always says, “I hope you have the visitors biscuits ready!”…
Well, snap!… this time, we’ve got Chocolate Christmas Tree Pizza!
I made this the night before and popped it in the fridge. The big guy has already eaten the cut pieces… she best hurry!
Makes 1 pizza
1 350g large block Cadbury Dairy Milk
1/2 cup white chocolate melts
Cooking oil spray
Round 20inch pan
Some greaseproof paper
Spray your 25 inch round pan with cooking oil spray. Cut some greaseproof paper, then make a cone shape, tape with sticky tape and snip a small hole at the end. (This will be a makeshift piping bag for the white tree design).
Break up the chocolate and place in a microwave bowl, melt the whole block in the microwave (Even faster then doing on the stove like I have done previously).
I put this on for 1 min, then stirred, then added 10 more seconds.
Melt the white chocolate for 30 secs in another bowl, stir then another 30 secs.
Pour the milk chocolate into your pan, (gently tap the pan so you get rid of the air bubbles)
Add melted white chocolate to your makeshift piping cone and make a tree shape. Then dot with green and red smarties.
Place in the fridge to cool. Once cool, flip over the pizza gently onto a tea towel and place on your plate, cut and enjoy.
You could also put this in a tupperware container with a pizza cutter as a gift.(Don’t forget to keep it cool)
Mine is in the fridge awaiting our visitor tomorrow night, minus the 2 pieces below… Put chocolate in the fridge at our house without a padlock and don’t expect it to be there the next day!
Soooo looking forward to seeing our friend and having a bit of “Visitor Pizza”
I love the prelude to Christmas and having friends over is always an excuse to stop and enjoy the ride. Check out some other chocolate pizzas I’ve made here – Marshmallow pizzas and here.
Hopefully I’ve twisted your arm to break out the chocolate early for Christmas and have some fun along the way…
Do you have “visitor biscuits” for when friends drop over?
Hi there and thanks for dropping by, my name is Sarah, you can find out more about me over at my blog
I’m a mum and a graphic artist, run my own business and enjoy creating things, organising a great get-together with family and friends and spending time with the people I love. I design a product called Tomfo (Tomorrow’s Family Organiser) it helps me get organised so I can do just that.
Making a house a home is one of my passions, and yep… every day I get to make dinner! I’m making a list of all the recipes we’ve tried and loved over at Tomfo so when I get asked” What’s for dinner tonight?” it’s not such a scary question. Because eating a meal at the end of the day with the two guys I love is pretty special, I think.
I choose to live with love, even though some days it can be a challenge, it’s inspired by my beautiful cousin and family and friends.
Come, join me… Live with Love,
Sarah Preston
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