Hairy Tales – Happy Ever After

It has been a heady week of running around theme parks on the Gold Coast with the kids, catching up with my Mum and beloved Step-Dad and a three day stint at the Pregnancy, Babies and Children’s Expo in Brisbane chatting with mums and mums to be, and laughing and joking with a dear friend.
Yesterday, in between frantic bag-packing which inevitably involved bringing home a MUCH larger suitcase for the children than I left home with (yes, Nana and Bampy went shopping!) I managed to skulk* off unnoticed to the study for an hour to indulge in one of my favourite pastimes – flicking through old photograph albums from my childhood.
*When I say skulked off, I actually mean that the children were so absorbed in their grandparents that I could have probably taken off to the Whitsundays for a few days before anyone even noticed I was missing, but the term ‘skulked’ makes me feel more needed!)
Armed with my trusty iPhone I took photos of my favourite snaps to bring home to share with Hubbster and the children…who were too busy being loved to notice my absence.
There were also loads a few that are so hideous they make me cringe…and then laugh…and then cringe some more Hey, it was no joke being a curly haired kid in a world where your mum had never heard of styling products but still thought she HAD to comb your hair everyday!
Frizz and I go way back!
Don’t be fooled. This was one of the cute ones. Needless to say, I didnt take photos of the school photos of me with missing teeth and an afro to rival Don King!
Seeking some much needed respite from the avid attention of my children my Mum did skulk down and find me. (And in this case…I do mean skulk).
And she pulled out some other much forgotten gems.
Like this one taken of Hubbster and I in December 2001 in Sydney, before we were married. We flew there with Ansett (to give you an idea of how long ago it was!) very shortly before they stopped flying.
That’s almost 11 years ago…
And I couldn’t help but notice the toll parenting and age has taken on our appearance…and it got my wondering…
You know how people say that couples start to look like each other?
Well, I’m wondering if it is possible for a transfer of hair to occur…because Hubbster seems to have way less hair these days…and unfortunately, I appear to have way more…and not in the places where I want it!
How is that fair?
How have you changed since you met your partner? Please tell me that you have hairy hobbit feet too…just kidding…I just thought that a lady-mo and chin hairs would sound less gross after that. I guess I failed, huh?