Beauty and the Geek Finale Airs Tonight – Who Will Win?

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Beauty and the Geek Finale Airs Tonight – Who Will Win?
A wrap up of Beauty and the Geek so far, and what is in store for the finale.
Weeks after 8 geeks were shipped off to Las Vegas to be paired up with 8 beauties, Beauty and the Geek wraps up tonight, and a couple will be crowned the winners and walk away with $100,000!
We’ve seen romances, tears and transformations.
Image source: The Hot Hits
A transformation that wont be forgotten is Oliver. Host James Tobin said, “Oliver’s makeover was so unexpected and wonderful. It changed him as a person. It was incredible to see him go from this slouchy and mumbling shy guy to someone with the confidence of a Hollywood superstar.”
Image source: Yahoo
The most stand out makeover was that of Tate Putnins, who will walk away from the show as an international model – modelling for underwear brand aussieBUM. After he was made-over, he competed in a photo shoot challenge which landed him the gig.
Tate said he didn’t recognise himself and has had to work hard to keep the look up.
Tate was also lucky enough to score a few smooches from Nicole Burns on the show, but they are no longer together.
When the cameras stopped rolling, Alex Tomisich was brave enough to ask out Sara Macnamara.
“I obviously made a reasonable impression on the show and then I think my new-found confidence after sealed the deal,” Alex, 19, told The Daily Telegraph.
“She’s my first girlfriend and it’s pretty crazy. Oh man, there’s so much to learn about dating – women are complex creatures.”
The two love-birds are still going strong a few months later, even though he is in Melbourne and she is in Sydney.
The biggest and most memorable romance on this season is sure to be James and Chrystal. They formed a strong connection quickly and viewers watched as their relationship played out week by week.
“We occasionally get a kiss here or there, but to have the L word this year was huge,” host James Tobin said. “It was a proper relationship and it was really beautiful to see it blossom.
There have been some tough challenges that the couples have competed in over the past few months and tonight wont be any different, with James describing the finale as ‘unexpected’.
Alex and his partner Nicole are favourites to win the cash, as they have won the most challenges throughout the season.
Tune in tonight at 8pm on Channel 7 to see the remaining four couples battle it out.
Hi, I’m Jess.
Mum of 3 kids, happy wife and self-confessed gossip queen.
I have a background in media and this is where my love of all things celeb began.
Being a mother myself I understand we don’t always have time to sit down, have a cuppa and catch up on the latest breaking gossip stories – this is where I come in!
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