Bride Angry At Best Friend for Gifting Her Cheap Kmart Towels As Wedding Present!

Bride Angry At Best Friend for Gifting Her Cheap Kmart Towels As Wedding Present!
A bride who took to social media to complain about her best friend’s wedding gift was shocked to receive an onslaught of hateful comments branding her ‘ungrateful.’
The woman had an issue with the $10 Kmart towels her friend gifted her saying she felt hurt by the cheap present. She then shared her anger on a Facebook page saying it was unacceptable to receive two $5 towels after the friend attended such an exclusive wedding ceremony and reception.
Problem was, she was expecting support and advice from Reddit and instead she received hateful comments telling her to pull her head in and stop being so materialistic!
“Hey everyone, has anyone received any wedding gifts in the past that were a slap in the face?” she began the post.
“How do you deal with it? My partner and I had a very exclusive wedding, all inclusive and the focus were our guests. Our best friend, husband and kids know this and they gifted us 2 Kmart towels, a total worth about $10. This hurt us a lot, as it was a slap in the face. we don’t know how to deal with it. suggestions?”
Commenters called her “shallow” and “mean” and said perhaps that’s all her best friend could afford.
“Maybe its all they can afford? Be thankful they wanted to be there to celebrate your special day and focus on the qualities in their personalities rather than the material items they may or may not have given you,” one member of the Facebook group responded.
“Are you serious?” another asked, adding, “it’s not about what you get out of it.”
Another Aussie bride gave her opinion on the matter saying at this stage she’d be happy if her wedding could even go ahead in August next year due to the Coronavirus pandemic.
“Those people who only care about getting gifts really frustrate the hell out of me,” she wrote.
“At this rate, my wedding will be the first time I see my parents in two years (by that stage), my sister in about three years and my best friends in five years … all because of this freaking virus.”
While others expresses their love for the retrial giant saying anything from Kmart is a great gift.
“Kmart towels are an awesome gift. Who cares how much they cost. What a shallow person,” the person wrote.
“Any suggestions?” Yes, say thank you then shut up,” another commenter offered.
Images: Reddit