Bride Slammed Online For Asking Bridesmaid To Dye Her Hair For The Wedding!

Bride Slammed Online For Asking Bridesmaid To Dye Her Hair For The Wedding!
A woman has been labelled a Bridezilla after demanding one of her bridesmaids dyes her hair to match the colour scheme of the bridal party. Is the request too much or fair enough?
The woman took to Reddit to say she asked her cousin, who was in her bridal party, to dye her naturally red hair as it clashes with her current colour scheme. With a “blue and green peacock” theme the bride says her cousin’s hair won’t match. She also added that guests had been asked to follow this colour scheme with their clothes but not their hair.
“Ella has natural bright ginger hair,” she wrote in the post about her cousin. “I would never ask someone to permanently change their hair for my wedding, I know that would be bonkers so I suggested some temporary hair dye.”
Her cousin declined to do it fearing the colour would permanently stain her hair. “I thought this was ridiculous because it literally says washes out in like 14 washes. But Ella says because her hair is completely natural colour it might take strongly to her hair,” the bride wrote.
After a lot of pushing and prodding, the bride came up with another suggestion – a wig. But her cousin said she would “feel self-conscious and weird wearing a wig”.
Images: Pixabay