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Husband Body Shames Wife Then Says She Needs Therapy For Being Too Sensitive

Husband Body Shames Wife Then Says She Needs Therapy For Being Too Sensitive


A woman lost her cool recently after having to constantly deal with her husband’s body shaming comments. During Christmas lunch this year, she yelled and told everyone to leave her alone, now she’s worried she ruined the celebration.

Writing into Reddit the woman asks if she’s the a**hole for going off at her husband during Christmas lunch. He says he’s merely making ‘observations’ about her body while she says it’s blatant body shaming. Here’s what she wrote:

So, Ever since I had my son months ago, my husband has started making indirect comments about my body. He never says any hurtful words but I find his “observations” as he calls it hurtful. For example, he’d see me wearing an old top and say “oh that top used to look good on you but not anymore though…” or when he looks at my waist and says “Wow, didn’t know your waist could get this wide!”. Basically passive stuff that I tried to ignore til it extended to friends and family. FYI this went on for months and months and months!!.

We went to christmas celebration at his family’s home. My SIL complimented my floral maxi dress and my husband said “I agree it looks nice on you…though I have to admit that your waist could get smaller than this!”. Awkward silence took over. I was absolutely fuming and this was my last straw. So I got up from my chair in the middle of dinner and shouted at the top of my lungs “SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT MY BODDDYYY!!!!”.

Round of applause for this queen! Seriously, why is it anyone’s business to discuss her body like that?


He was absolutely speechless as his family stared while some others tried to get me to calm down but situation got more tense and dinner ended up being cut short and my husband storming off to his friend’s place to spend the night upon leaving a very nasty text saying I embarrassed him and made a scene over an “observation” he made. He called me childish and told me to get therapy for my insecurities instead of verbally abusing him and scaring his family.

Therapy?? Seriously, this guy needs the therapy if he can’t see how inappropriate his comments are. And the worst thing is he’s showing his relatives it’s ok to body shame his wife cause he does it too. NOT ON.

Now I feel like an absolute idiot asshole and like I ruined christmas for him and everybody with my over sensitivity. AITA??

She is definitely not the a**hole in our eyes. If anything, his family showed her no respect and least of all her own husband. Commenters on Reddit agreed and quickly defended the woman saying in no way is she at fault.

Here are some of the comments left on her post:

I think the last thing your husband really wants is for you to “get therapy”. If you do, you’ll discover that he is an emotionally abusive bully and stop feeling guilty for refusing to put up with his BS.

When he is like “I’m just making ‘observations’ about your body”. Respond with “these are not merely observations but body shaming, you can call them what you want but know that calling them ‘observations’ does not change the fact you are BODY SHAMING YOUR WIFE!”.

I would be getting a good divorce lawyer too. People like him never change. I would also let his family know that you are sorry you made things awkward but that he has been body shaming you, his wife and mother of his child, for MONTHS!

For real. Like, imagine the audacity of complaining about your partner’s body change right after she went through 9 months of pregnancy, unbelievable pains of labour and the nastiness of postpartum to give you a child.

OP says her husband’s comments are “passive stuff” but to me they sound pretty aggressive. This is verbal abuse. No one deserves this but particularly a new mom who is already going through all the emotional turmoil.

There is no universe in which the husband’s comments are ok. Even if the woman wasn’t postpartum, commenting on a person’s body is downright rude, especially in a setting like a family lunch.

What do you think?

Images: Pixabay

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Chrystal Lovevintage

Chrystal Lovevintage

Chrystal is a writer and blogger who loves nothing more than watching back to back episodes of crime shows. Should she ever find herself needing to cover up a crime, she'll know exactly what to do! Her dream is to one day live in Palm Springs where she can do her writing poolside while drinking endless gin and tonics. Mum to the cutest twin boys in the world, she loves nothing more than the sound of their laughter (usually heard when they're conspiring against her). Entertainment writer and pop culture junkie, she will be bringing you all the celebrity gossip and news that your brain can handle. You can follow her blog at and on Instagram at Chrystalovevintage

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