8 Year Old Girl Wants Mattel To Make Bald Barbies For Children With Cancer

Jordyn Miller is an 8 year old girl who also happens to be a brave little cancer survivor. She is trying to get Mattel to produce bald Barbies for children with cancer undergoing treatment in Australia. This inspiring move came about when she was bullied at school and told she looked like a boy in a dress. Miller, who is now three years cancer free lost all her hair as a result of her chemotherapy treatment in 2012.
The petition was started last month with the help of Jordyn’s mother Tarin. Children who are undergoing chemotherapy have a lot to deal with and losing their hair can be very traumatic. They need to know that they are still beautiful even if they’re bald.
“They [the doctors] teach the kids all about chemotherapy and what it’s doing to their bodies internally,” Jordyn’s mother Tarin told BuzzFeed News, “but nothing prepares them for what usually happens to them physically.”
Although Mattel last year did produce a bald Barbie called “Ella” which was given out to children in cancer wards across America they were not available to buy through stores. The Ella doll is still manufactured across the US.
Tarin and Jordyn’s quest to bring a bald Barbie to Australia will surely be welcomed and well received amongst our children’s cancer wards and beyond. They are hoping the petition will help to persuade the toy manufacturer to bring their bald Barbies to Australia.
“It’s just so they [kids] know that it’s normal; that it’s a part of life. You don’t have to have beautiful long Disney princess hair to be beautiful.”
“It’s just kids not understanding.”
You can help by signing the petition here, which so far has received over 6, 500 signatures.
Photos courtesy of change.org and supplied.