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Hugh Jackman Performs Hilarious ‘Wolverine – The Musical’

hugh packman hilarious wolverine the musical radio spoof


hugh packman hilarious wolverine the musical radio spoof

Hugh Jackman perform spoof ‘Wolverine the Musical’ live on radio

If there is one man that can pull off the role of a lethal, hairy mutant, and still set female hearts aflutter, it’s our man Hugh Jackman, right?  Let’s just say, that given a choice of superheros, claws down, Wolverine would be my pick!

Promoting the soon to be released ‘X-Men: Day of Future Past,’ on British radio’s Matt Edmondson show on the weekend, Jackman once again displayed his talent and good nature when he was handed a script by the BBC radio team.

Nominated for an Oscar for his part as Jean Valjean in Les Miserables, the script offered alternate words to the signature song ‘Who Am I?”

The 45- year old actor looks both amused and surprised as the shows host makes the introduction asking listeners to ‘Welcome Hugh Jackman to the stage…as Wolverine, from Wolverine the Musical.”



Turning the sheet around to look at the words, Jackman laughs before giving belting out the words, between chuckles and comments about how clever the lines are.  Even when he fails to hit the high note at the end, Jackman keeps his sense of humour laughing “I haven’t got it today!  Too early!” to rounds of applause and laughter from the set.

Jackman’s impromtu performance has since gone viral across the internet, as he belts out the words “Am I a superhero with some claws? Or just an actor searching for applause? Wolverine has all the fans, But who am I, Hugh Jackman?”

Tweeting after the show, Jackman shared the words with fans on his Instagram account.

Photo by thehughjackman

Image source: Hugh Jackman Instagram

What movie would you love to see turned into a musical?