Top 5 Must-Do Things For Mums Post-Birth

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Top 5 Must-Do Things For Mums Post-Birth
So, you have a new baby? Congratulations! After nine long months of carrying your child in your womb, (those last few weeks seemed to take forever didn’t they?) wouldn’t it be nice to pamper yourself a little?
We know you are busy with your new baby; and some days the feeding, nappy changing, settling, and quiet cuddles can seem endless, but taking just a little time to nurture yourself and pay attention to your own needs will make caring for your family that much easier.
So here’s our top 5 list of things you should do post-birth (for yourself!)
- Make a list of all the foods that you missed because you couldn’t eat them whilst you were pregnant for fear of catching listeria, e.g. poached egg with soft oozy yolks, soft cheese, pate, etc. Make a point of treating yourself to something from the list each week, and enjoy it whilst your baby sleeps, so you can savour every delicious mouthful!
- The first six weeks of your baby’s life (particularly for new mums) can be a shock to the system, to say the least. Don’t put pressure on yourself to do everything perfectly. Use this time to enjoy and get to know your baby. The dishes in the sink will always be there, those delicious newborn cuddles won’t.
- Do something to pamper yourself. It doesn’t need to be time-consuming or costly. Run yourself a warm bubble bath, wrap your hair up in deep conditioning hair mask, or paint your toenails (now that you are able to not only see them, but reach them again!) Or why not just do every girl’s favourite, put fresh sheets on the bed, and invest in a new razor (I am loving the Schick Intuition Pure Nourishment.) You can read why here.
- Staying in your PJ’s all day when you have a new baby feels great, doesn’t it? But don’t underestimate the positive effect getting out in the fresh air with your baby with have on both your physical and mental wellbeing. Taking even a short walk with your baby in the pram each day will help stop that horrible feeling of cabin-fever!
- Make some time to look at your post-baby body and feel the pride and gratitude that it deserves for the amazing feat it has accomplished in growing and baring your beautiful new baby. Sure your body has changed, but it was worth it, wasn’t it?!
What would you add to the list?
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