Mum Desperately Seeking Disney Princess Nanny For Her Twin Girls!

Mum Desperately Seeking Disney Princess Nanny For Her Twin Girls!
Finding a nanny for your children is one tough gig. You want them to be just the right balance between Mary Poppins and Mrs. Doubtfire while at the same time still being modern and up to date.
After all, one of the most important skills for a nanny to have is the ability to relate to children. You want to find someone who will share the same interests with your kids and be able to get down to their level when needed.
One mum thinks she’s found the perfect way to ensure her nanny is the right person for the job. She’s looking to hire someone who’s willing to dress like a Disney princess while looking after the kids. And no, we don’t mean just occasionally playing dress ups, we mean being in FULL CHARACTER ALL OF THE TIME!
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