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Mums Share Bizarre Bathroom Hack Promising to Remove Urine Smells for Good

Mums Share Bizarre Bathroom Hack Promising to Remove Urine Smells for Good

Mothers of little boys understand the frustration of having your bathroom always smell like a highway truck stop toilet. How is it so difficult to get the pee into the toilet bowl? It’s not like they are wielding a fire hose or something.

There is just something extra smelly about urine, and it gets into everything and stays there. All that grout, paintwork and porcelain gets covered in it over time and boy does it stink.

Australian mums from the Facebook group Mums Who Clean have been sharing their very best bathroom hack for getting rid of the smell of urine for good instead of just covering it up.

They swear by one product to get the job done — shaving cream!

Simply cover the offending area with shaving cream and leave for a bit, then wipe and rinse with a cloth and those lingering urine smells should be gone for good.

Or, you know, until the next time your little darling pisses everywhere.

One mother was extremely thankful to other members of the group who alerted her to the unusual hack.

“I’d just like to say a huge thank you to the beautiful mum who said to use shaving cream in the toilet to get rid of urine smell. I sprayed it everywhere and rubbed it in went back a few hours later to wipe down and the smell has gone,” she said.

“It worked for me and yes I only paid a couple bucks for the stuff best tip ever! Thank you once again.”

The clever trick could be the end of getting down on your hands and knees and scrubbing to get rid of that horrible smell, so understandably people are loving it.

Hundreds of people have been sharing their photos of the handy hack, claiming that it works wonders for their bathrooms. 

Looks like I’ll be adding some good old shaving cream to my shopping list this week and giving it a go too!


Source: Facebook/Mums Who Clean


Jill Slater

Jill Slater

Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!