People React With Disgust at This McDonald’s Chicken Mac Ice Cream Creation! Would You Try It?

People React With Disgust at This McDonald’s Chicken Mac Ice Cream Creation! Would You Try It?
Not sure Ronald McDonald would approve of one person’s innovative attempt at turning a much loved Maccas burger into an ice cream treat. The video, which has gone viral since being shared on Twitter, is not for the faint hearted!
Now don’t get this twisted. The dessert ISN’T a burger flavoured ice cream – it’s actually a burger cut up and mashed INTO ice cream.
This is definitely not a creation for the faint hearted. And definitely not a video to watch while you’re eating dinner. You have been warned!

The video was shared to Twitter by user @darshanpathak, where the clip shows an employee at Chaudairy, an ice cream store in Pakistan, combining a McDonald’s Chicken Mac with ice cream.
In the video, the person chops up a burger on an ice cream tray, adding milk and cream to it and then mashing it all together until it forms an ice cream roll. He then serves it in a paper cup ready for customers to try.
McDonald’s will discontinue Chicken Mac forever after watching this.??
— Darshan Pathak (@darshanpathak) February 15, 2021
Needless to say, Twitter commenters were unanimous in their responses. Just gross! One user wrote: “Will lose sense of taste while trying to figure out if that’s a dessert or a meal.”
Another person added: “Hey @McDonalds – Ronald would be turning in his grave..”
Meanwhile, a third person stated: “This is called murder of burger.”
That’s exactly what it is! Murder of a burger!
Let’s just hope this doesn’t become the latest addition to the Maccas menu.
Images: Twitter and McDonald’s