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Plus-Size Bridal Boutique Mannequin ‘Fat-Shamed’ and ‘Laughed at’ by Customers

Plus-Size Bridal Boutique Mannequin ‘Fat-Shamed’ and ‘Laughed at’ by Customers

The owner of a bridal boutique has hit back at rude customers who have found it funny to ‘fat shame’ a plus-size mannequin displaying gorgeous gowns in their front window.

Debbie Shelley, who owns Somerset Bridal in Minehead in the UK, said she was “astounded” when people started jeering, pointing and shouting abuse at the size 32 model.

She said: “We can hear what they’re saying as they walk past and some of it’s very cruel and not nice at all.”

In a bid to stop people heckling, she has put a sign up in the window “asking people to think before being rude”. She shared her thoughts on Instagram alongside a picture of her bright pink plus-sized mannequin, affectionately known as Fuchsia.


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A post shared by Somerset Bridal (@somersetbridal)

“We are proud providers of wedding gowns that suit every shape and size a woman can come in and no two women are the same size. Brides that are bigger can often be marginalised and not catered for,” Debbie captioned her post.

“When I bought my own dress over five years ago I soon realised that buying a dress when you’re bigger is near on impossible and the experience ended with buying a dress that I didn’t love and certainly didn’t fit properly.

“I’ve made it my life’s work to ensure no other bride lacks choice or support when buying their gown.”


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A post shared by Somerset Bridal (@somersetbridal)

“We have the gorgeous dresses, we just did not have the mannequins and after years of searching during this last lockdown Fuchsia, the plus-sized mannequin arrived in the boutique and we LOVE her with all our hearts,” the bridal boutique owner continued.

“BUT Minehead, and visitors to Minehead, have not responded as you’d expect them to when seeing Fuchsia residing in the window. She is heckled, laughed at, jeered at. Fuchsia is being fat-shamed during a time when society should know better. We have had to install a sign in the window next to Fuchsia asking people to think before being rude. Fat-shaming is a thing of the past or so you might think…..

“I’m really sad that people are being so unkind. Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. I run an inclusive boutique. All women are welcome. The response to our mannequin is making my brides feel uneasy. Try falling in love with your dream dress when there are hecklers outside being rude to Fuchsia!!!”

It is disappointing to hear that people see fit to fat shame a mannequin in a stunning wedding gown. We can only imagine what they must think of the brides who dare to wear them! What appalling people.

Speaking of her note in the window, Debbie said, “Hopefully, passers-by might read this and think better before being unkind in the future!”



Source: Instagram/Somerset Bridal


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Jill Slater

Jill Slater

Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!

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