Russian Senator Drafts Bill For The Forced Chemical Castration Of Paedophiles

Convicted paedophiles are surely at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to the order of despised criminals. Once in prison they are often subjected to cruelty and violence from other inmates as their crimes against children are often deemed to be the worst of the worst.
Quite often the responses to what we should do with convicted paedophiles will range from “shoot them dead, lock them up for life” or “chop off their privates!”
While the legal system doesn’t have the right to chop off anything just yet, there is a close alternative.
Upper House MP Anton Belyakov has drafted a bill allowing Russian courts to order the chemical castration of people convicted of sex crimes against children. At present, such a measure can only be applied on a voluntary basis.
Belyakov noted that the international experience had proved that chemical castration is an effective method that would minimize the possibility of repeated crimes among those convicted for sex crimes against under age children.
The senator also stated that although Russia had toughened up it’s laws regarding sex crimes that the number of rapes had in fact increased: “According to the Interior Ministry, the number of rapes where the victim is between 14 and 17 has risen by 2.9 times and the number of rapes with victims under the age of 14 grew 4.2 times,” he states.
Of course a thorough examination would need to be done to ensure that the convicted is in fact a pedophile.
The document also provides that the necessary procedures and medicines are sponsored from combined sources – the state budget as well as a special private fund that would be created if the bill is passed into law.
Russia in fact already allows chemical castration of pedophiles, but only on a voluntary basis in exchange for reducing prison terms. The measure was introduced in early 2012 and as part of the broader law that also banned suspended and deferred sentences for those found guilty of sex crimes against a child under the age of 14. According to the same act, such convicts can now ask for parole only after serving at least 80 per cent of their sentence.
Chemical castration is usually carried out by giving the patient drugs containing a synthetic progesterone hormone that lowers the levels of male hormone testosterone, reducing sexual desire.
The jury is still out on whether chemical castration is in fact an effective treatment for pedophiles. The question itself of it being labeled a “treatment” is worrying. After all, is sex offending an illness that can be treated?
Chemical castration is offered in Australia on a voluntary basis and is in fact part of some sex offender’s parole requirements. However it is not compulsory and debate still continues on whether it is a humanatarian option for the convicted as the drugs do have some sriou side effects- such as osteoporosis.
However I’m pretty sure I know how the parents of the abused children will be thinking. No sympathy! What’s your view on chemical castration? Should Australia work towards making it compulsory also?