The New ‘No Touch’ Device Protecting Kids and Teachers

Tired of the mess their young children were making thanks to having to having to apply their own sunscreen, two Mums in the UK developed Solar Buddies – a no touch sunscreen applicator system.
Many Teachers are prevented from applying or helping students put their own sunscreen on due to school policies banning them from all physical contact with students (even to comfort them) and advice given from the Teachers’ Unions recommending they avoid touching students to prevent claims of physical or sexual abuse. This leads to many children (especially the little ones) failing to correctly apply sunscreen as well as making a big mess.
Image Credit: Solar Buddies Website
The two Mum’s behind Solar Buddies, Kelli Aspland and Laura Griffith state on their website that the idea behind Solar Buddies came after they discussed the ‘No Touch Policies’ in place within most schools and how their young children were no longer being fully protected from the sun due to incorrectly applying their own sunscreen.
Solar Buddies has a refillable container (allowing parents to choose a sunscreen suitable for their child) and the design was drawn from a deodorant applicator, as it uses a roller ball to manage the flow of sunscreen along with a sponge to help apply it on the skin.
The product is proving popular with parents, with 400 orders already being placed.
What do you think, would you buy one for your child?