You Will LOVE This Bento Lunchbox Kmart Hack For Under $5!

If you’ve ever bought a bento lunchbox for your kid, you know that they can cost a bit to purchase.
And your kids has little regard to the dollars forked out for the sectioned lunchbox that is meant to give them a selection of foods they can nibble from through out the day.
But one Facebook user has used Kmart products to make the ultimate Bento Lunchbox hack for under $4.50.
Facebook user Rough Diamond reposted the hack on their page, captioning it with this description:
“Just a wee bit of genius from @reve.ever … a very handy #kmarthack using the large ice cube trays ($2 … which make amazing ice cubes with a wedge of lime frozen in them ) and the Kmart container for your very own bento box !!!
All you need to create this hack is
One $3 rectangular 600ml clip container.
One giant ice cube tray which is now $1.50, reduced from $2.
Stuff the ice cube tray into the container and you’ve got an instant Bento lunchbox.
No need to faff about with silicone cupcake cases in a container, ensuring they are well squished together to prevent the food mixing everywhere.
These ice-cube trays are sturdy, yet flexible and each section is deep enough to give an ideal amount of food for you or your little one.
Kmart also has their own Sectioned Container, similar to a Bento Box if you just want the whole thing done already. This one will set you back $5.
Kmart is certainly coming up with the goods for families on a budget. The hardest part is walking into the store and only buying what you came in for.
Thanks Rough Diamond and Reve Ever for sharing your hack. We can’t wait to try it.