Vulva Nails are a Thing!!!

Vulva Nails are a Thing!!!
If this trend hasn’t popped up yet on your newsfeed well then I need to fill you in.
Asa Bree is a nail artist at Finger Bang (I LOVE that name btw), a nail salon in Portland, Oregon, USA that creates all kinds of cool nail bling.
Asa got busy and did some research on-line on vulvas to make sure she had it down pat and I have to say, they look pretty damn realistic.
The creation took around two hours and she later shared them on Instagram with the caption “pussy power”.
Most of the feedback has been positive but there have been the haters too saying they were “gross”, “perverted” and “embarrassing”.
Ada said “it’s a female body part, and I don’t think it’s anything to be ashamed of. It’s definitely a conversation piece that focuses the light on so many issues. From art, women’s rights, acceptance, self-love, and learning to love another person for who they are and not what you want them to be.”
I don’t know that I’d be quite brave enough to ask for this look at my salon but I’m sure the girls would have a red hot crack at it if I were.
The biggest problem would be getting my husband to leave them alone. If he wasn’t poking my fingers, he’d be trying to sniff them!
Anyone out there up for the challenge?