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Woman Calls for Adults-Only Flights After Listening to a Child Cry During Her 3 Hour Journey

Woman Calls for Adults-Only Flights After Listening to a Child Cry During Her 3 Hour Journey

No one wants to sit helplessly by on a flight and listen to a baby cry, it doesn’t matter if you’re child-free and off on a holiday or if you are the child’s parent. It’s generally an unpleasant experience all round.

Recently, 24-year-old Morgan Lee suggested an option for adults-only flights after enduring a three-hour flight sitting in front of a screaming child. As a mother of four, I can’t say that I blame her. That sounds bloody awesome.

Sharing her ordeal with the good folk over on TikTok, Morgan cheerfully asked “Why isn’t there such a thing as adult-only flights? I would pay so much money for that.”

“The flight was 3 hours and I listened to this the entire time,” she captioned the clip, adding that she has noise cancelling headphones and that “the child was WELL over 5 years old, and they sat directly behind me while kicking my chair as the mother slept.”

@mooorganic The flight was 3 hours and I listened to this the entire time #travel ♬ original sound – Mo

I think you’ll agree that three hours of that nonsense would drive anyone nuts.

Her post attracted both anger and support, as one might expect.

“Poor you. My heart goes out to you and the amount of hours you endured another human’s cries. I hope you’re better now,” wrote one TikToker sarcastically.

Someone else suggested hiring herself a private plane if she disliked children so much: “They’re called private planes and you can book a private flight and pay as much as you want to have the plane for yourself.”

Another person said: “And this is why people/parents/mums have anxiety when leaving the house. Because no grace is given.”

But it wasn’t all negative as there are always two sides to a coin.

“I am a mother and I agree! I would pay more for an adult-only flight. Why is everyone so pressed?? She isn’t suggesting to throw them off board.”

Another asked, “why are people so mad? she’s not saying ban children from all flights, she just wants an option for a child-free flight.”

What are your thoughts? Would you pay extra for a child-free flight? 


Source: TikTok/mooorganic


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Jill Slater

Jill Slater

Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!

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