Woman Receives Disgusting Text From Friend After Suffering A Stillbirth

Woman Receives Disgusting Text From Friend After Suffering A Stillbirth
A woman was left shocked after receiving a text from a so called friend requesting the return of baby clothes she had bought as a gift.
The story was shared on discussion forum Reddit where a woman who recently suffered a still birth at 29 weeks was left reeling after receiving the disgusting message.
“I didn’t want to put this out here, but I have no choice,” the woman wrote on her Facebook page.
“(Name crossed out) bought me some beautiful gifts for Benjamin for when he was born. A soft fleece blanket, cuddly elephant, booties, some clothes and a singing toy.
I didn’t ask for these things; as I said, they were gifts.”
Tragically, her son Benjamin didn’t survive as was stillborn at 29 weeks.
“A week later (Name crossed out) messages me asking if Benjamin used or touched the things she bought because if not … she wanted them back!” the shocked woman wrote.
She even shared screenshots of the conversation because she couldn’t believe this actually happened!
The screenshots of the Facebook messages start with the ex-friend contacting her.
“Hey, hun just wondering if u used the bits n bobs I got for the baby?” she wrote. “If not I can give them to Laura’s little one. Hope your [sic] OK and resting up hun?”
She then followed up with another message.
“Let me know hun before I buy more stuff, save a bit of money before Xmas, you know how it is.”
You know how it is?? Clearly this so called friend has NO idea how it is.
After much thought, the devastated mum decided to respond with this.
“I’m not doing OK,” she replied. “I’m heartbroken.”
“I can’t believe you’re asking me at the moment, but yes I still have the things except for the blanket, he will be buried with it because it is warm and I thought it was stunning. I mean … I hope that’s OK for you?!?”
Now any normal human being would’ve ended the conversation right there. Unfortunately though, this ‘friend’ bore no resemblance to a human with emotions. Here’s her unbelievable response.
“Aww hun, sorry I know its a tough time, I’m sorry,” she wrote. “I just needed to know before I spend anymore, is there a chance you have another blanky for him babe?
“Like you said its nice and warm and Laura’s baby can have use of that. I’ve been having a tough time myself lately so I’m here online and on my phone all the time for u if you need to chat,” but she then added. “Let me know though about the blanket quickly though.”
Devastated to get such a response, the grieving mum ignored it and chose not to respond. But the friend wouldn’t give up!
“What if I popped round tomorrow?” she wrote. “I can pick it up then babe.”
Well! That was the final straw. The mum cracked and let her ex-friend have it.
“No! Don’t come here, please,” she wrote. “The blanket is in with Benjamin!
“You can have the rest (of the things) I’ll drop them off at yours, don’t even think of coming here. My husband is fuming with these messages you are sending me a week after I lose my baby. They’re packed in a bag … I’ll leave them at yours. The blanket is with Benjamin he is having ‘use’ out of it thank you very much.”
Surely this would’ve been the end of it, right? WRONG! The friend responded again, this time defending herself and saying that she was patient but she needed to know for financial reasons.
She even had the NERVE to ask for money to replace the cost of the blanket. The blanket that was wrapped around little baby Benjamin!
Commenters on Reddit were just as disgusted by these measures as I’m sure you are reading them.
“Imagine harassing a grieving mother over stuff that amounts to pocket change,” one person wrote.
“I hope the woman blocks her out of her life entirely,” wrote another. “Wow … what a garbage human.”
Garbage human indeed!
Images: Reddit