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MOD Blend Pro Review: The Blender That Can Make Smoothies, Soups, Hot Drinks, Sorbets, ‘Nice’-Cream and More!

If you’ve been here before, you might be aware of the fact, that I love reviewing kitchen appliances and equipment. Anything that has the potential to make meal preparation easier and allows me to feed my family good nutritious meals with the minimum of fuss, always piques my interest. Let’s face it, regardless of how large your family is, a good deal of time is spent in the kitchen when you are a parent! So, when I was offered an opportunity to review the MOD Blend Pro, it was a very easy and enthusiastic “yes!” Having reviewed the MOD Cold Pressed Juicer last year, I was familiar with the Australian owned brand and was curious to know whether their blender would be equally as impressive.

What’s in the Box?

The MOD Blend Pro came well packaged, and includes;

  • MOD Blend Pro motor base
  • 2 litre jug with lid
  • Tamper accelerator
  • Spatula
  • Coconut bowl and spoon
  • Instruction manual
  • Recipe cards

First Impressions

The MOD Blend Pro is sleek and stylish, and is definitely an appliance that you could happily leave out permanently on your kitchen bench if you have the space. It comes in either red, white, silver or black, so you can easily co-ordinate it with your kitchen décor. I opted for a black one so that it would match with my MOD Cold press Juicer.

Although the MOD Blend Pro does come with an instruction manual, one of the things that I loved about it as soon as I unboxed it, put it together and turned it on, is how simple and intuitive it is to use. There are no fiddly bits to assemble, and it feels sturdy and durable – which is great when you have three teenagers that don’t exactly handle things with the same care you’d like! The large 2 litre jug is perfect for my family’s needs, although you can purchase a smaller jug as an accessory if you’d prefer. The measurements are clearly marked on the side of the jug too, which is very handy. I particularly like that the jug is durable but also lightweight, so I can carry it with one hand even when it is full. My previous blender jug was made from heavy glass, so I can really appreciate the difference in weight and the ease of use. It’s made from 100% BPA plastic, and importantly, is dishwasher safe!

MOD Blend Pro review blender display
How modern, clean and sleek is this display? Love it!

The touch screen controls really give the MOD Blend Pro a modern, sleek vibe and makes it a pleasure to use. It has an 8-speed touch slider that allows you to control the intensity by simply sliding your finger right to increase, or left to decrease. There are also five pre-set functions built into the blender that allow you to easily whip up anything from juice, soups, smoothies, ice-creams and sorbets, and even hot drinks. It even has the ability to grind coffee beans, or turn nuts and grains into fine flour for baking.

One reviewer I read said that she would have preferred to have text on the display telling her what each function is, which surprised me a little because one of the things I instantly liked was the easy-to-read symbols. For me, it gives the display panel a really stylish and clean design that feels really intuitive to use. But as with anything, I suppose it comes down to personal preference.

The MOD Blend Pro in Action

I’m going to be honest with you, the MOD Blend Pro isn’t the quietest appliance in the kitchen, but personally I’m more than happy to overlook that considering how well it works. Thanks to the 2mm Japanese carbon steel blades, and the 3.5 horsepower motor, it has no issues blending frozen fruit or even ice cubes. It might be a little loud, but it’s gutsy, and that’s exactly what you want from a blender.

The MOD Blend Pro gets used several times a day by myself, my husband and my teens.

My sons have been enjoying an 10 extra minutes in bed before school since the MOD Blend Pro arrived, as they can now whack some Weetbix, fruit, peanut butter and milk into the blender and take breakfast on the go! Typical teenage boys!

My daughter has been experimenting with smoothie bowls, sorbets and ‘nice’ creams that she can photograph and share on her social media! Typical teenage girl!

Roast onion, pumpkin, capsicum and carrot can be turned into a delicious soup in just 8 minutes. I just added vegetable stock and a can of butter beans for added fibre, protein, iron, zinc and magnesium.
8 minutes in the Mod Blend Pro and lunch is served with a dollop greek yoghurt and cracked pepper, and a slice of olive panini, cream cheese and a drizzle of balsamic vinegar. AMAZING!

I work from home, so I love being able to whip up a veggie soup at lunchtime using any leftover roast veggies. I always cook extra to make sure I have some in the fridge. I just pop in the veggies with some vegetable stock, hit the soup button, and come back in 7-8 minutes to find a rich velvety-smooth, steaming hot jug of soup ready for me!

MOD Blend Pro review best hot chocolate blender recipe
High protein hot chocolate – yum!

Some almond milk and hot chocolate before bed is also one of my favourite things to make in the MOD Blend Pro. Just add your hot chocolate of choice and some cold almond milk, press the hot drink function, and voila! You won’t even have to pause Netflix. It’ll beep and let you know when it’s ready!

Easy to Clean

It’s so easy to clean, even my teens do it! Usually, they’ll add some hot water and a squirt of washing up liquid, and then turn it on for a minute – so it more or less washes itself! They then leave it on the draining board, and I’ll give it a wipe down and dry it if it’s clean, or I’ll put it into the dishwasher for a deeper clean.

Great Value for Money

If you are looking for a blender than can serve multiple-functions, and can deal with getting a workout by the whole family, I think the MOD Blend Pro gives the big-name brands a run for their money, at less than half the price! RRP $399.

You can purchase the MOD Blend Pro from their website here.


Disclosure: I was gifted the MOD Blend Pro for the purpose of providing an honest review. All thoughts and opinions shared here are my own.









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Jolene enjoys writing, sharing and connecting with other like-minded women online – it also gives her the perfect excuse to ignore Mount-Washmore until it threatens to bury her family in an avalanche of Skylander T-shirts and Frozen Pyjama pants. (No one ever knows where the matching top is!) Likes: Reading, cooking, sketching, dancing (preferably with a Sav Blanc in one hand), social media, and sitting down on a toilet seat that one of her children hasn’t dripped, splashed or sprayed on. Dislikes: Writing pretentious crap about herself in online bio’s and refereeing arguments amongst her offspring.