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Mum Warns Parents of the Dangers of Air Loungers After Daughter Almost Drowns


Mum Warns Parents of the Dangers of Air Loungers After Daughter Almost Drowns

An Australian mum has taken to Facebook to warn other parents of the dangers of Air Loungers, after her daughter almost drowned while using the popular blow-up chair.

“My 12 year old daughter Hollie was using her “Air Lounger” Christmas present on Christmas day whilst in the pool,” Victorian mum Anthea Chester wrote.

“The coloured lining split WITHOUT WARNING, engulfing her body whilst the blow up part shot upwards, pushing her under the water.

She was left engulfed by the fabric which was clinging to her face and entire body like shrink wrap. She had no idea which way was up or down, or where the edge of the pool was.

All I can say was thank God I was watching her at the time and was able to untangle her before she drowned.”

Anthea went on to explain why she assumed they would be safe to use in the pool.

“1. There were no warnings not to use in water on the website.
2. The guy that was doing a demo openly told me they were fine for use in water
3. There’s ads for them everywhere showing them used in water”

There are many different brands of this blow up chair, and they all show promotional images of people enjoying the product on water.

Another viral Facebook post shows much more graphically what can happen if the nylon outer layer splits.

Julie Kosy shared this image of her father moments after his air lounger split on Christmas Day. You can see how easily a person could slip in between the blow up panels while completely wrapped in the colourful nylon fabric, then be held underwater by the inflatable pockets.

air lounger

“Do NOT use on water!! My Dad almost drowned on Christmas Day with our new Now Lounger. It turned inside out, then flipped, encasing him face down in the pool totally wrapped in liner and suffocating. Several seconds after this picture was taken he was thrashing about fighting for air. It was absolutely terrifying. I purchased 4 of these online through a Facebook ad as Christmas presents and they all came in bags with no boxes or instructions/warnings. The Now Lounger website and Facebook page both feature customers using these on water – both pool and ocean.”

Please be careful with these inflatable chairs. While they look amazingly comfortable and easy to operate, they clearly do not belong on water.


Images: Facebook and Google Search

Jill Slater

Jill Slater

Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!