How You Can Help to Change the World, One Nappy at a Time!

How You Can Help to Change the World, One Nappy at a Time!
Although it has been a few years since I’ve changed a nappy (thank goodness!) there was a stage when I had three under three, and all of them were in nappies of some description. There were three little bottoms needing to be changed multiple times a day. Some days felt like a never-ending conveyer-belt of bottoms needing to be cleaned and repackaged and I’ll admit, it was never really a favourite pass-time of mine. I’d hazard a guess that none of us enjoy changing nappies, but what if I told you there is a way that you could feel good about it? What if every time you changed your child’s nappy you knew that you’d just helped to make life better for someone else, someone less fortune? How amazing would that be?
Thankyou is a consumer movement that empowers you to fund life-changing projects. They make water, food and body care products (including baby care) and give 100% of the profits to helping people in need.
1.4 billion people live in extreme poverty. Meanwhile Australians spend hundreds of millions of dollars every year on bottled water, food, soap and other consumer goods. What if purchasing these everyday products could provide life-changing solutions to people in need?
Thankyou food – a single purchase of one of their muesli, clusters, or muesli bars has the power to provide one week of immediate food relief as well as support long-term sustainable food programs.
Thankyou water – every bottle purchased contributes to providing safe water access to someone in need.
Thankyou bodycare – The body care range includes premium handwash, hand lotion, body wash, body lotion, hand cream, soap and sanitiser products, with the purchase of each item contributing to people receiving access to hygiene and sanitation programs.
Thankyou baby – Fittingly, the purchase of items in the baby body care and nappies range (which includes both disposable and modern cloth nappies) will fund child and maternal health programs. Every 103 seconds a mother dies in childbirth, with 99% of these deaths happening in developing nations. The sad truth is that globally, 2.9 million babies don’t make it through their first month of life because they don’t have access to basic health care. 100% of the profits from the Thankyou baby range will help get health services like antenatal and postnatal care, building birthing centers and training skilled birth attendants to help families in need.
In fact, you can track EXACTLY what project the your product is assigned to fund by visiting the Thankyou website and entering the unique tracker ID on your Thankyou product. Seriously, how awesome is that?
In case you need any more incentive than that to make the switch, the nappies are the first on the Australian market to feature monochrome prints, (so they are ultra stylish)_and be lined with Aloe Vera and Vitamin E. The baby care range is dermatologically tested, PH balanced and free from nasties like SLS, SLES, EDTA and parabens.
So, will you be making the switch?
You can purchase Thankyou baby care products from Coles, Woolworths, Priceline Pharmacy and Baby Bunting.
Thankyou Giveaway
Thankyou are giving Mums Lounge readers the opportunity to win a 6 x boxes of nappies (in your preferred size) valued at $198.
For your chance to win simply complete the entry form below. Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway