Get the Most out of Your Tax Return in Just Ten Minutes with One Click Tax!

Get the Most out of Your Tax Return in Just Ten Minutes with One Click Tax!
I’ve been caught out a few times by my confusion over my taxes. As a mum with four young children, I’m too busy to try and figure out all the ins and outs of deductions and whatnot. I didn’t want to bother an accountant over something that everyone else seems to manage easily, but I didn’t feel comfortable asking my family or friends for help either.
Although I wasn’t confident enough to lodge my tax return myself via the ATO, I felt it was my only option. Unfortunately, though, I feel like I have missed out on many deductions that I have been entitled to over the years.
My concerns about taking care of my own taxes are not uncommon, as it turns out! While a lot of people have their personal finances under control, just as many don’t — including lots of mums like me!
That’s why I’m so pleased to find One Click Tax. They have put together a Mum’s Tax Tips guide that explains everything clearly so that I understood exactly what I had to do.
All I needed to complete my tax return with One Click Tax was my tax file number and my deductions and I was good to go.
It only took me about ten minutes to finish lodging my tax return, which I completed with my laptop on the lounge after I put the kids to bed. I felt an immediate sense of relief, I must say! I didn’t have to take time off work, find a babysitter or drag the kids along to a boring office and keep them busy while I tried to speak to an accountant. I could think clearly, and the website was simple to navigate as I worked through my return.
It was all done before I knew it, and I’m confident that I will finally receive the tax refund that I am entitled to!
And the best part?
One Click Tax only costs $49 compared to the $100 to $200 charged by other taxation services, and that fee is taken out of my refund so there is no payment up front! I’m positive that by using One Click Tax I was able to receive a bigger refund due to all the entitlements that I didn’t know I could claim so it more than pays for itself!
Now I can tick “sort out my tax return” off my To Do List for this year! ☑
You can complete your tax return with One Click Tax too! It just takes one click – right here!
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