Is Your Pre-teen Child Asking for a Phone? 9-Year-Old Ella Shares Her Review of the Spacetalk Adventurer Smartwatch

The Spacetalk Adventurer Smartwatch is the Age-Appropriate Answer to a Smart Phone
With Christmas fast approaching, many children in the 5–12-year-old age group will be adding a smartphone to the list of presents they hope to find beneath the tree this year. Despite the familiar entreaty that “everybody else has one,” parents of children who are yet to hit their teen years, are right to be cautious of handing their child a device that allows them unsupervised access to the internet and multiple social media platforms. Instead, experts advise parents to wait until children are in their teen years, capable of more maturity and able to understand the responsibility that comes with owning a smartphone. In the interim years, age-appropriate smart devices like the Spacetalk Adventurer Smartwatch allow kids and parents the peace of mind that comes from being able to call or video call one another when needed, without the worry of them being exposed to cyber-bullying or adult content online.
The cherry on the top for many parents is the GPS function of the Spacetalk Adventurer Smartwatch that allows them to locate their child’s whereabouts and even set an alarm if their child moves out of a certain set radius. This is particularly useful when allowing children more independence, like letting them play at a nearby park or walk to school with friends for the first time. Parents are also able to control the contacts in their child’s Safe Contacts List, as well as the features their child can use on the watch and when. Parents can also enable School Mode, which disables certain watch functions during class time for distraction free learning.
9-year-old Ella, from the Mums Lounge toy testers team was recently lucky enough to receive a Spacetalk Adventurer Smartwatch to review. Like many children her age that see their peers using mobile phones, she was keen to try a device that her parents deemed age-appropriate for her.
Ella’s Spacetalk Adventurer Smartwatch Review
I was looking forward to trying the watch out because I heard about how it has lots of different things it can do and when I saw it in the box I got really excited.
I was most excited about being able to text people and trying out the other features on the watch.
My dad mostly helped me set it up. I tried to do it on my own which took a little while to set up and wasn’t that hard but then when I saw my dad doing it, it looked way easier because he understood it a bit more than I did.
It’s easy to use because when I want to turn it on all I have to do is double tap the screen which brings up a clock and then I just swipe to bring up the other features.
I like that it looks very new and the colours are all cool. The screen is big which makes it easier to see and press the features and stuff.
So far, I have only texted mum and dad but that was very useful and mum says she likes that she can track me now.
The first thing I like about it is that it can show me how many steps I’ve done during the day so I can track my exercise and work towards a goal.
I like that it has a school mode so I don’t get distracted at school with messages and incoming calls. And the third thing is that it has a flashlight on it so if I am in the dark I can use it as a light.
I have one more thing I really like, which is the clock is very colourful and I like showing my friends. It helps teach me the time on a clock face.
The Spacetalk has already given me a little bit more freedom and my parents more peace of mind. I walk around to my friend’s house and normally mum rings to make sure I am there ok but with the watch she can track me walking all the way there and doesn’t need to call to check!
Mum’s favourite thing about the watch is the GPS on it because she can always see where I am. Dad likes the SOS button which rings him straight away and lets him know if it’s an emergency not just a random call.
They like that I am using it to track my exercise and it measures my heartbeat as well.
I really like the Spacetalk Adventurer Smartwatch safety features because I know I can easily call someone which I feel would be easier in an emergency.
The Spacetalk Adventurer Smartwatch New Features:
For those of you who are familiar with the Spacetalk Adventurer Smartwatch from our previous review, or have owned one in recent years, you’ll be interested to hear that its undergone a number of upgrades and additions. For those of you contemplating buying one for your child for the first time, we recommend reading that review also, for a comprehensive overview of our thoughts on all of the features and functions, such as the emergency button, 5MP camera, the large OLED screen, the weather forecast, the fitness tracker, the stopwatch and the rewards for good behaviour.
In addition to these, the new improved Spacetalk Adventurer Smartwatch also includes:
Wellness Features
In addition to the significant safety features, Spacetalk have given their Adventurer an upgrade with added wellness features such as an activity tracker that gives parents an overall view of their child’s daily activity levels, and a Feelings feature, which encourages children to pay attention to and acknowledge their emotions.
HD Video Calling
Taking onboard feedback from parents, the new Spacetalk Adventurer now enables HD Video Calling too, so you can talk to your child face-to-face.
Funny Sounds
Kids can now enjoy the many benefits of laughter by giggling along to funny sound effects.
The Telstra version of the Spacetalk Adventurer comes with a bonus JumpySIM so that you can start using your smartwatch straight away. JumpySIM uses the best networks in Australia and there’s three affordable plans to choose from. Also, Spacetalk app fees don’t apply when you connect your child’s watch with JumpySIM.
Spacetalk gets a double mums-thumbs-up from the Mums Lounge team!
For more information, or to purchase one for your child, head to the Spacetalk website and take advantage of their Christmas sale – save up to $60 on a Spacetalk Adventurer now! Limited time only!
Disclosure: Ella was gifted the Spacetalk Adventurer Smartwatch for the purpose of providing an honest review. All thoughts and opinions expressed here are her own.
The wellness features are currently available on Spacetalk devices purchased through the Spacetalk online store and approved retail partners only. Spacetalk is a consumer grade general wellness device, not a certified medical device. Spacetalk wellness features are not intended for medical diagnostics. The information provided in this website or the Spacetalk mobile application is not a substitute for obtaining proper professional care or services. You should seek independent advice from a medical professional as required.