If you don’t know what to serve for dinner tonight …

If you don’t have time to cook your beans canned chickpeas ( Garbanzo ) beans (BPA- free) is quick, easy and nutritious. Chickpeas and all pulses are fiber rich and nutrient dense. I love pulses like these for keeping brain fog at bay as they contain a small amount of complex carbohydrates so your brain gets fed the right amount of glucose without putting on excess weight.
5-Minute Greek Chickpea Salad
· 1 can of chickpeas (BPA-free), preferably organic
· 2 medium cloves garlic, minced or pressed
· 1 medium tomato, diced
· 1/2 medium red onion, chopped
· Handful of chopped endive or celery for crunch factor
· 2 TBS parsley, chopped- an excellent source of iron
· 1 TBS fresh lemon juice
· 3 TBS extra virgin olive oil
· salt and pepper to taste
· Optional:
· 1/4 cup feta cheese
· 6 sliced olives
· 1 tsp rosemary
1. Press or mince garlic and let sit for at least 5 minutes to bring out its hidden health benefits.
2. Drain liquid from chickpeas and rinse under cold running water; this helps prevent intestinal gas.
3. Combine all ingredients with lemon juice, olive oil, and sea salt ( good way to get quality minerals into our diet) and pepper to taste.
Nutritional tidbits and modification by Michele Chevalley Hedge from A Healthy View with original by G.Mateljan.
See www.ahealthyview.com.au for nutrition advise and Cleanse & Nourish retreats for 2012.