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Beauty Hacks For Mums To Help Us Look Like We’ve Slept For More Than 5 Minutes!

Beauty Hacks For Mums To Help Us Look Like We’ve Slept For More Than 5 Minutes!!


The other day I was reading about the Korean 10 step beauty routine and thought to myself, 10 steps?? I barely have the time and energy to run a brush through my hair most mornings let alone complete 10 steps! Which is why I’ve come up with these super quick hacks to fake a full night’s sleep and make us mums look less like death warmed up in the mornings.



When you wake up and want to pep up your skin instantly, then primer is your go-to. Primer does for your face exactly what it does for your walls. It prepares your skin for whatever is coming next. A good primer will moisturiser and revive your face leaving it all glowy and dewy. I love the one by The Ordinary as it’s great for blurring any imperfections, plus it retails for under $10.00!  And if you’re not a fan of primers then guess what? Sunscreen will give you the same result with the added benefit of protecting your skin as well. Needless to say, sunscreen is a must in anyone’s daily routine no matter what. There is no point investing in expensive lotions and potions if you’re not using sunscreen.



If you’ve only got a few minutes to yourself before you have to run out the door then a good concealer is just what you need. A few dabs under your eyes, around your nose and over any blemishes means you can skip on foundation. Just be sure to blend it all in. Your face usually doesn’t need an all over cover of foundation. Sometimes a few dabs of concealer can be enough to help you look more polished and less exhausted. You won’t feel less tired, but hey you can fake it! My fave is the IT BYE BYE UNDEREYE. It’s a bit pricy but it will last you FOR…EVAH!



Brows are by far the one part of our face that receives so much attention. And for good reason. Bad brows can make you look 10 years younger or older. Get yourself a good eye brow product and spend a few minutes filling in your brows. Nothing over the top, just give them a little comb and fill in. If you have really bad left over 90’s brows like I do, then investing in some micro blading tattoo will literally save you so much time in the mornings. Maybelline’s Tattoo Brow promenade is great value for money product, plus it’s waterproof and comes with a handy spool brush.



I’ve been curling my lashes for so long now that I can pretty much do it with my eyes closed. Except don’t. Keep your eyes open! Give your lashers a good curl before putting on mascara and your eyes will instantly look bigger and more awake. Sweep them with some mascara and you’re good to go. This should only take you 3 minutes tops! Unless you sneeze while applying the mascara- know what I mean!


You know how when you’re on holidays you find yourself needing less make up? Well that’s because you’re slightly sun kissed so you end up looking more contoured. Bronzer will help you achieve that glow minus the sun damage! Invest in a good bronzer and brush and sweep it over your face in places where the sun would normally hit. The apples of your cheeks, your nose and bring it right down to your jawline and neck. You’ll look like a St. Tropez babe in no time! I’ve had the Hourglass Bronzer for years and it’s the only one I’ve found that doesn’t have that glittery look most bronzers leave on your skin. This is illuminating and natural looking.



I’ve found a beauty hack that is literally the best time saver! Face tan water. I apply a bit of Eco-Tan Face water at night before I go to sleep and wake up with a subtle glow that helps to hide that pesky uneven skin tone that we usually hide with foundation. By applying face tan water I find that all I need in the morning is a good primer/moisturiser, a dab of concealer and I’m good to go. If you’re using actives at night though be sure to alternate the face tan. So on nights when you’re applying serums such as retinol then avoid the face tan.

I also find that by mixing in some fake tan with my daily body moisturiser I get a bit of colour on my body as well as my face. This helps to avoid the two tone colour look- ie. different colour face to body.

What are your favourite beauty hacks?

Photos: Pixabay & Google images

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Chrystal Lovevintage

Chrystal Lovevintage

Chrystal is a writer and blogger who loves nothing more than watching back to back episodes of crime shows. Should she ever find herself needing to cover up a crime, she'll know exactly what to do! Her dream is to one day live in Palm Springs where she can do her writing poolside while drinking endless gin and tonics. Mum to the cutest twin boys in the world, she loves nothing more than the sound of their laughter (usually heard when they're conspiring against her). Entertainment writer and pop culture junkie, she will be bringing you all the celebrity gossip and news that your brain can handle. You can follow her blog at and on Instagram at Chrystalovevintage