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Brunch for Easter

Easter brunch

De-Stress Easter by Embracing Brunch

Brunch for Easter isn’t as crazy as it might sound at first blush, and a breezier, less formal meal can save you a lot of stress and work.

Easter is an important part of many families’ calendar of celebrations, and as with most holidays it brings images of a lavish dinner and big family gatherings to mind. While having the extended family and even a few neighbours over to share this special event is a treat, for a lot of Mums who try to follow in their own Mum’s footsteps in making the Easter meal, it can mean a lot of stress and a lot of work. A “traditional” Easter dinner is a pretty intense thing to create for a small family, much less a family reunion!
There’s no law that says you have to make a certain meal, though, or that the meal even has to be dinner. Instead, consider freeing yourself and your guests from unnecessary formality by going with an Easter Brunch instead.

Benefits of Brunch for Easter

Embracing Brunch for Easter has a lot of advantages for everyone. While it might seem untraditional at first, the precise menu and timing of the celebration meal shouldn’t matter – what matters at Easter is celebrating our faith and our family. No one should have to spend all of their time in the kitchen, madly putting together a meal that could feed an army while relatives and friends they haven’t seen in months or years socialise in the next room! Brunch for Easter is by nature a simpler meal – and can be made even simpler if you follow the right recipes and menu.

Brunch for Easter Easy Menu

Here’s a quick guide to your Brunch for Easter menu. The emphasis here is keeping you out of the kitchen and in the room with everyone else, while still giving everyone plenty to eat.


A simple fruit and cheese platter is a perfect way to give everyone a snack while preparations are finalised. Combined with libations, some crackers, some artisan cheeses, and some cubed and sliced fruit make for a light, delightful way to whet the appetite. Alternatively or in combination, tea sandwiches (watercress and smoked salmon are a great idea!) can also provide a taste of things to come without ruining appetites. Best of all, each option can be prepared the night before and stored in the refrigerator, meaning all that has to be done to get Brunch for Easter started is to deploy trays.

Main Course

For Brunch for Easter, ease of preparation is the priority, but speed is your second concern. Your guests and the dignity of the day deserve a fresh, hot meal, but it should be something you can prepare in moments. A frittata is a great choice – you can prep ingredients the night before, and the recipe can be adjusted very easily for any size gathering. Ready in twenty minutes if the ingredients have been pre-diced and measured, you can easily roll several out of the kitchen in half an hour, tops.
Side Dishes. Biscuits are a warm and welcoming side to any dish, and a large volume of them can be set in the oven and rolled out with almost no supervision. Salad can be made the night before and distributed throughout the table, as well.


Just like biscuits, cookies can be set to bake while you work the room during Brunch for Easter, and piled onto platters for everyone to enjoy without having to serve.
Buffet-style is a great way to encourage everyone to serve themselves and allow you to circulate while you monitor levels and pop into the kitchen every now and then to replenish supplies as needed. Toss in a nice collection of serve-yourself wine, beer and soft drinks, and you will have created the ideal self-sustaining Brunch for Easter that will keep everyone satisfied while allowing you to enjoy the holiday.

Author Profile
Stacey is a busy Mum of one and the content manager for Canvas Printers Online, a website that makes it easy and affordable to create beautiful canvas art. In her spare time, Stacey enjoys blogging on the challenges of modern day motherhood.


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