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WIN 1 of 4 Its In the Stars Gift Packs

Is a tall, dark, handsome stranger in your future? It’s In The Stars! Will your child be creative, athletic, academic, or all three? It’s In The Stars!

As an astrological introduction to Mum’s Lounge, you could win ONE OF FOUR ‘It’s In The Stars’ gift packs with a total value of over $330. To enter, just tell us the name of one of the expert astrologers available on the ‘It’s In The Stars’ website. Maybe the stars will align in your favour and you’ll be the winner of one of these unique gift packs. Enter now.


Astrology DIY Kit - Its in the Stars

2 x DIY kits valued at $59 each  ($59 including free shipping)

Its in the stars Gift Vocher with Basket

2 x Gift Baskets valued at $109 each (from $109 including free shipping).

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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