Budget-Friendly Instagram-Worthy Bedside Tables for Teens

Budget-Friendly Instagram-Worthy Bedside Tables for Teens
If you have kids you know that they are hard on their furniture!
I was at the end of my tether with the kids wrecking their chests of drawers by over stuffing them! I am sick of them being the hiding places for illicit substances like chocolate or chip wrappers that encourage mice into their dark depth of the sock draw. I am also sick of buying thick, clunky pieces in the hope that they might last a bit longer.
My daughters are also getting older and starting to develop their own style and want something that’s ‘Insta worthy”
My daughter Emily is 18 and a design student so she especially wants a bedroom fit for a young lady at university.
Her last bedside table succumbed to its poor treatment and it, along with its lipstick stains, scribble marks and left over remnants of chewing gum was relegated to the curb side recycling.
While we were putting out the bedside drawers we met our neighbor who was outing out an old brass queen sized bed and was happy to let it come to us rather than the crusher!
So after taking a queen sized bed and lugging a new mattress home from the store and up the spiral stairs (with a lot of swearing and ingenuity) left little enthusiasm for finding a new bedside table!
Em and I went to the Church jumble sale where we often find vintage treasures but only came home with some retro Christmas lights to wrap around the bed head.
Finding something vintage is not easy, it often case of right place, right time but more often not the right price!
We decided to go to Cheap as Chips to have a look and see what they had.
Perfect plan! We found exactly the right thing!
It’s not a bedside table exactly it a trolley and its perfect!
It is open so that she can see everything when she needs it, or honestly, so that her friends can see the lovely things she has..
It can’t be overfilled.
It was very inexpensive
It was easy to put together and up the stairs
It has a cute retro/industrial look
She likes it!
While we were at Cheap as Chips we also found this ceramic bowl, cute star light, a lovely scented candle that changes colour and funky boho print to complete the Instagram worthy teenager’s bedroom!