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Zespri SunGold Kiwifruit Smoothie Recipe

Zespri SunGold Kiwifruit Smoothie Recipe

This recipe was created to celebrate one of the world’s most nutrient-rich fruits, Zespri SunGold Kiwifruit. To try delicious Zespri SunGold Kiwifruits, and to learn more about their health benefits, visit The Zespri Sun-Up Event. For event information visit

Zespri SunGold Kiwifruit Smoothie Recipe


  • * Three ripe* Zespri SunGold Kiwifruits
  • * Coconut Water (330ml carton)
  • * One tablespoon of LSA
  • * One tablespoon of almond meal
  • * One tablespoon of USANA’s Nutrimeal Free protein powder


  1. 1. Peel, chop and blend the Zespri SunGold Kiwifruits
  2. 2. Add LSA, protein powder and almond meal
  3. 3. Add half of the carton of coconut water
  4. 4. Blend until ingredients are combined
  5. 5. Add additional coconut water to achieve your desired consistency
  6. 6. Drink immediately and feel great!
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*For tips on how to choose the perfectly ripe and ready to go Zespri Kiwifruit, visit Zespri