Hilarious Video Not-the-Sac-Wax: 20 Men Undergo Waxing to Raise Testicular Cancer Awareness

Men Undergo Sac-Wax to Raise Testicular cancer Awareness
Forget Game of Thrones, So You Think You Can Dance, and all of those other shows that EVERYONE else is watching.
I could watch this video over and over again (in fact I have!) Ha!
Seriously! If you are a woman who has ever had her nether regions waxed you will delight in this far more than you’ll care to admit. Trust me, I’m not the kind of person who generally delights in the suffering of others at all, but there is just something so satisfying about watching a group of men having their testicles waxed. It’s almost as if someone looked into my brain straight after having one of those frustrating arguments with Hubbster, and then made my wish come true.
But all jokes aside, this hilarious video also carries a very serious message.
Testicular Cancer is a young man’s disease, occurring more commonly in men aged between the ages of 15 – 29, (which of course, is around the age group that few of us worry about cancer.)
The advert, produced by Testicular Cancer Canada & Toronto-based company Crush reminds men to ‘expose your balls so you can check ‘em regularly.’
But, and I am sure the fellas will be relieved to hear this, there is really no need to endure the pain of a ‘manscaping’ session in order to perform a routine testicular check.
How to Perform a Testicular Self Examination
‘Performing a Testicular self-examination only takes a few minutes and can help detect testicular cancer in its earlier stages. Symptoms of testicular cancer include a painless testicular lump, a sensation of heaviness in the scrotum, and a persistent ache in the lower abdomen or affected testicle. Most lumps are not testicular cancer but should be reported.’ Source: Betterhealth
- During or after a shower is the ideal time to check yourself, as the muscles of the scrotum sack are relaxed and hang down lower.
- Starting with one testicle, gently roll it with the fingers and thumb of both hands. Healthy testicles feel like a smooth, firm egg.
- Find the epididymis by feeling along the underside of the scrotum. The epididymis is a series of tubes attached to the back of the testicles that collect and store sperm, and connects to a larger tube called the vas deferens. It should feel like a little bunch of tighly curled tubes.
- Repeat on the other testicle.
- Pay particular attention to any lumps or swelling on the testicle itself, a change in testicular size or shape, or a change in the consistency or feel of the testicle. By performing this self examination once a month, you will be familiar with your testicles, making it easier to note any changes.
- Remember, a lump or abnormality in the testicles does not necessarily mean you have cancer, so don’t panic. See your doctor for prompt diagnosis.
For more information visit Cancer Australia and discuss any concerns with your local medical practitioner.
This article contains general information only and is not intended to replace advice from a qualified health professional.