The Mystery of the Missing Margarine

The Mystery of the Missing Margarine
You will have to forgive me. I haven’t blogged for a few days. You see…I’ve been on the hunt for the missing margarine.
Yes, you heard me right.
And no…I haven’t made an early start on the vino.
Earlier in the week I managed to misplace a large tub of margarine.
I noticed at lunchtime when Foghorn requested, in his customary super-loud voice, that I make him a piggy sandwich. That’s a ham sandwich for those of you not in the know.
Having only just washed and put away all the breakfast dishes, I was understandable excited about starting the process all over again. Not! But off I trapsed back to the kitchen after poking my head out the backdoor to ask Bubble if she too wanted something to eat.
“Nah,” came her reply from the cubby house. “I’m cooking baby dinner.” She gets so caught up in her imaginary play…bless her.
Opening the fridge door I peered inside.
Hmmm? That’s funny.
I closed the fridge and looked around the benchtops. Had I left it out by accident?
Now, if I tell you that when I was at University studying for my exams I once paid a huge library fine for losing a very expensive book, only to find it 3 weeks later in the drawer of the freezer, you will understand why I then began searching in all manner of strange places. When tired, or stressed, or…breathing…I have been known to misplace things in odd places.
[Just ask Hubbster. When I was pregnant with Bubble I managed to lose a grand total of two house phones, by placing them onto the roof of the car (to strap the boys into their seats) and then completely forgetting and driving away.]
But I have never lost the marg before. This is a whole different ball-game.
I’ve looked in the pantry. I’ve looked in the cupboard with the coffee cups. I’ve looked in the freezer, behind the toaster and even in the bathroom and in the bin.
What on earth have I done with it? I used it at breakfast time to make the children’s toast? Am I losing the plot?
Have you even lost or misplaced something in a strange place?
Update: The margarine has been located (thanks to suggestions by some insightful Facebook fans!)
It seems that Bubble ‘borrowed’ it to make her mud pies down near the cubby!
Watch this space – Masterchef here we come!