A Mum Posts a Photo of Her ‘Perfect’ Post Baby Body

A mother has posted a photo of her post baby body in an attempt to reassure other women that there is no such thing as the perfect body. Musician and single mum, Kimberly Henderson has always been told that she had a ‘perfect’ body after giving birth to four kids. She was uncomfortable with this and didn’t really think it to be true.
The 26-year-old has admitted she struggled with her post baby body initially, but now embraces the changes and is proud of what her body has achieved.
Henderson recently posted a photo to her Facebook page to show her fans that her ‘perfect’ body still has flaws like everyone else and that’s something to be celebrated rather than be hidden.

The photo has been liked by more than 115,000 people and shared over 11,000 times.
Alongside the photo Henderson wrote, “Everyone always compliments me on how I have such a “perfect” body after 4 kids. I decided to upload this pic and leave my belly ‘unedited’ ‘unphotoshopped’ because I used to struggle with accepting my body after kids.”
Henderson said that she posted the photo to let women know that even the ‘perfect’ post baby body has its beautiful flaws. She even had a six pack before having babies and so initially struggled with the changes her body made after kids. Just like many mothers find, no matter how much she worked out she couldn’t tighten her loose skin or get rid of her stretch marks.

“And I’m ok with that because everyday I get to wake up to 4 beautiful smiling faces and I’m reminded that they are worth this flabby belly and they are worth these stretch marks,” she wrote.
Henderson now wears a bikini to the beach after years of hiding her flabby belly in a one piece. She said she felt self conscious next to all these young 20 year old with their flat tummies in bikinis. Not anymore.
“I struggled so much with my body. I struggled so much because I was young and all these girls my age had perfect bodies and I was in my one piece bathing suit trying to hide all my flaws,” she wrote.
Henderson doesn’t want you to think that she has it tough or is worse off than anyone else. She just wants to send a strong message to her fans.
“Just reminding you guys… That your body is beautiful… BECAUSE we ARE mums and we ARE superheroes and we freakin ROCK and in my opinion that is sexier than any 6 pack!”
Henderson recently said to The Huffington Post: “Because of my thin figure people don’t think I have imperfections or insecurities. I wanted to show other women that I am just like them — stretch marks, loose skin.”
Since posting the photo it has received thousands of hits and shares. It goes to show that social media can be very powerful and positive when used in the right way.
What did/are you struggling with most about your body after having your babies? Did you feel pressure to return to your pre-baby body? Are you there yet?
Images courtesy of Instagram