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Aussie Supermarkets Called Out for Installing Self-Serve Checkouts and Then Insisting on Checking Receipts

Aussie Supermarkets Called Out for Installing Self-Serve Checkouts and Then Insisting on Checking Receipts

Retail giants Kmart, Woolworths and Coles have been called out in a public post on social media, crucifying the Australian companies for forcing customers to use self-serve checkouts but insisting on checking receipts, stating that the superstores either trust their customers to check out their own items or re-hire cashiers to do the job.

In a post published on the Facebook page Meanwhile in Australia, the anonymous writer explained that they refuse to stop and allow the person standing at the exit to check their docket and simply walk past them while waving it in the air above their head.

“I’m not interested in proving that I did your job for you. You want me to be a cashier with no training then that’s your problem not mine. Don’t Audit me for a position you refuse to employ any longer,” the disgruntled customer writes.

As much as I like using self-serve checkouts (fewer people to interact with, you know how it is), they have a point.

They can either trust us to do the job ourselves or they can employ someone to do it for us. They can’t have it both ways. Pick a lane.

Thousands of people agreed as you can no doubt tell from the sheer amount of comments, likes and shares the post collected.

“I refuse to use self checkout. If I wanted to process the goods I would get a job there,” agreed a top commenter. “Do the people who do use the self checkout realize they are putting people out of jobs. If the stores are saving money on employing people why isn’t the price of things going down, or at least give those who do use self checkout get a discount due to doing the work themselves?”

“Unfortunately people/customers take out their frustrations on frontline staff. It is not their fault. They have zero say in these decisions,” added another. “By avoiding self serve (which I myself do) doesn’t increase employment for checkout staff. Staff are taken off the shop floor from their usual duties. And only those who are trained in checkouts. It’s sad. I don’t like it. But unfortunately it’s the way it’s heading.”

“Well said! Another note, I hate the checkouts in the middle of the Kmart shops!,” offered someone else.

What are your thoughts? I dislike the registers in the middle of the shops, that’s for sure. But I don’t mind processing my own order and packing it how I want it packed. Everyone has different preferences — what are yours? Have your say in the comments!


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Jill Slater

Jill Slater

Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!